Twisted Forever Read online

Page 6

  “I won’t say anything if we fuck.” She told me, bending over my desk. I bit my bottom lip hard when she put her knee on my desk giving me a full view of her pretty smooth pussy and those full lips…fuck. I grabbed my dick through my pants and walked over to her, putting my hands on her hips. “Fuck me, Emmanuel.” She begged, rolling her hips and pressing her pussy against my dick.

  “Shit,” I groaned out at the mere heat her cunt put off. I released my hands from her hips and took a giant step back. She whimpered and stood up straight, tugging her skirt down over her hips.

  It was just in time too because Cole was walking in…without fucking knocking as usual. I glared at him and he flashed me an apologetic grin. “What’s up yall? Did I uh…interrupt something?”

  I swear to God, Dempsey’s spirit teleported right into his grandson. He was just as much of an asshole as his grandpa.

  “Yes.” Camilla smacked her lips together and walked over to him. He pushed her playfully and she pushed him back before they embraced in a long fucking hug. Her arms snaked around his neck and his snaked around her little waist. You’d think they never get to see each other the way they embrace. The more I watched them, the more I could see why Xavier had his balls in a bunch over their relationship.

  No other man threatened me when it came to Camilla though. It was obvious they had little crushes on each other but I also knew Cole, and no matter how close things got between them I trusted him never to let Camilla push him over the line. It wasn’t him I was concerned about; he had a good head on his shoulders but the girl? She was hungry and she was going to get her fix however she could.

  She was unhappy and it showed all over everything she did. I knew I could make her happy again but I would only do it if she were done with Alexander.

  It took forever for Camilla and Cole to separate and I halfway wanted to tell them to both get the hell out of my office and go fuck already. Jesus. When they finally broke apart he looked at her the same way I’d just looked at her moments later but I had to give it to him, he was just as controlled if not more than I was. Camilla started talking about something but Cole wasn’t listening he looked down at her ass then her breasts then back at his phone.

  “You needed something, Cole?” I asked, breaking his concentration.

  “Oh, yeah…papers. Sign them.” He plopped a folder on my desk and leaned his lanky frame against the wall. Camilla inched her way over to him and without even thinking he slung his arm around her shoulders and she kept talking.

  I wondered if he still acted so close to Camilla while Noelle was around?

  “Oh, let me go pick up the food.” Camilla chirped and bounced out of the room like her skirt wasn’t just hiked up and her ass wasn’t in the air before Cole walked in. I loved watching her walk away. She had an undeniable sway to her walk that would have made any man’s eyes pop out of his head.

  “Yall fucking yet?” Cole asked without looking up from his phone.

  “No,” I grunted.

  “Seriously? She’s losing her shit over Alexander.” He shook his head and blew out a breath. “Luckily Xavier is loving being her fall guy.”

  “Yeah, thank god,” I mused. “So uh…what’s going on with you two?” I asked him as I flicked a pen.

  “Me and who? Camilla?” He almost laughed. “Nothing. I know she’s yours.”

  “Oh of course she’s mine but what’s going on with you two, Cole?” My voice was more pointed this time causing him to look up at me finally. He rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged.

  “We’re friends. Best friends.”

  “With benefits?” I pressed even though I knew the answer. They weren’t fucking. He wouldn’t let it happen. I just needed to unnerve him enough so that even if by chance they were in a situation and he couldn’t resist, he’d find the strength to.

  “No. Not with no damn benefits Manny. I’m not fucking Camilla.”

  “You said she reminded you of your mother right? Is that why you won’t try anything?”

  Cole raised his brow at me quizzically and I knew I was stepping very close to the offensive line. I didn’t give a shit.

  “Well, if you want brutal honesty I’ll give it to you. When she was pregnant she reminded me a lot of my mom but now?” A wolfish grin spread across his face and I could tell he was trying to unnerve me right back. Asshole. I wouldn’t press him too hard but he’d definitely feel it. “I don’t know Manny, she’s thick as fuck.”

  “Uh huh…” I rubbed my chin and chuckled. “Look, just keep your dick in your pants.”

  “You know I’m not messing with her.”

  “Is it a respect thing?” I asked.

  “Yes.” His answer was too quick which gave me my confirmation. He wanted to but respect was the only thing stopping him. I’d take that. Cole was a good man. “You don’t have to worry about me, boss.” He sighed.

  “I’m not too worried about you. You’re about the only man besides me that has any goddamn self-control around her. Just look out for her okay?”

  “Of course. I’ll protect her with everything I have.” The sincerity in his voice let me know he did value her beyond just eye candy.

  “Okay, got the food.” Camilla came back holding bags and smiling. The sun hit her eyes just right and she looked like she was glowing. I had to have had the stupidest fucking grin on my face just looking at her. It was stupid enough to make her blush.

  “And on that note, I’m out. I’ll see you later, Camilla.” Cole shook his head, took the papers from my desk and left.

  “Is Alexander working late tonight?” I asked as we sat down to eat. Camilla nodded sadly.

  “I’m assuming it’s actual work since he’s in town for once. I’m sure he has a lot of catching up to do.”

  “Have Cole keep you company till he gets home,” I suggested.

  “Yeah, I probably will. If I have Xavier come over…” Her voice trailed off.

  “I think we both know what happens then,” I sighed. Even though I didn’t get jealous, it still rubbed me the wrong way knowing how fast and how easily those two fell back in line with each other.

  “Are you jealous?” Camilla purred with her legs crossed, taunting me. I wanted to push her legs open and feast on her pussy just to shut her the fuck up. It was always her feisty little mouth that drove me crazy.

  “Of what? Xavier?” I laughed.

  “Yes,” she raised an arched brow at me.

  “Why the fuck would I be jealous of him?”

  “Because he was fucking me regularly not giving a damn about Alexander or anyone else.” Her tone was taunting and it made my skin prickle with the need to make her shut the hell up. “Meanwhile you’re over here being so well-behaved. You won’t even fuck me.”

  “Camilla,” I warned.

  “What, Emmanuel?” She snapped. “At least Xavier takes control. I don’t know where your control went. You used to tame me, make me purr. Now I can’t even get you to touch me.” Her smart-ass tone gave way to a bit of hurt. I sighed and stood to my feet.

  “You need to shut your mouth.”

  “Why? You don’t like what I’m saying?” She folded her arms.

  “No!” I barely contained my shout. “You know why we’re not fucking.” I spoke through clenched teeth.

  “Because you’ve turned into a pussy?” She taunted.

  I snapped.

  I yanked her up by her hair and slammed her against the wall, closing my hand around her throat until she was rasping. It would have looked abusive to anyone else, but I saw the lust flicker in her eyes.

  “Apologize.” I demanded, pressing my body into her.

  “No,” she squeaked out just barely.

  “Camilla.” My voice was a low grumble deep in my chest and I could tell by looking at her that just the vibration from it was turning her on. She was still my twisted little freak, and I wanted so badly to give her the spanking she needed but I knew where it would lead.

  “Stop fucking baiting
me,” I let her throat go and she fell against me gasping for air.

  “I’m sorry,” she whined.

  “Unless you’re ready to be done with Alexander leave me the fuck alone.”

  “Emmanuel…” She blinked back tears.

  “It’s too much, Camilla. I can’t be in your life as your man and your lover, your protector and then just be your friend because you want to work shit out with Alexander. If we can’t hang out then that’s just what it has to be.”

  “No.” She shook her head like she did when she dug her heels into the ground as a child.

  “Yes. You wanted this. Not me. You broke my fucking heart to be with Alexander…go be with him.” She stormed out of my office in tears and I fell back in my chair, exhausted.


  Chapter Seven


  It felt like my heart was crumbling in my chest when Emmanuel told me to leave him alone. He’d never talked to me like that before. I could barely see, wobbling out of his office and down the hall to find Cole. It felt like someone was sitting on my chest, like my rib cage would crack open and leak broken heart shards all over the floor.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Cole’s voice…it was Cole. I rubbed my eyes and tried to focus on his face. “Camilla, do you need Manny?”

  “No!” I sobbed. I tried to take a step but fell and luckily Cole caught me. “He hates me.”

  “Manny? Yall were just having lunch giving each other heart eyes. What the hell happened?” I heard him close his door behind us.

  “I think I pushed him too far.” Cole pressed something cold to my face. My forehead, my eyes, my nose and suddenly I could see a lot clearer. It did nothing for the dull ache in my heart though.

  “What the fuck did you do?” He groaned and sat down beside me. I was relieved when he tugged me onto his lap.

  “Said some shit I shouldn’t have. I just…I miss him so much, Cole.”

  “You were trying to push him until he finally fucked you so you’d shut up?” I nodded tearfully. “And that shit backfired didn’t it?” Another tearful nod. Cole slid his hands up and down my sides while I cried like a baby. I felt so damn stupid for prodding Emmanuel like that when I knew better.

  “You gotta stop being so damn needy when it comes to Manny. Seriously Camilla. You broke shit off with that man now you’re in his face all the time throwing pussy at him. You know if he fucks you, your relationship with Alexander is going out the window. He knows that too. That’s why he’s trying to keep shit cool but your ass won’t let it be.” Cole broke me completely down all while holding me as I cried. When he was done talking, he leaned back and stretched his arms across the back of his couch.

  “So, what should I do?” I asked him.

  “I don’t know. I do know that you stress me out,” he groaned.

  “I have that effect on men,” I said dryly.

  “Yeah, clearly.” He glanced at me and slid me off of his lap so that I was beside him, then he put his arm around me. “You know Manny can’t stay away from you forever Camilla.”

  “You don’t know Emmanuel like I do. Plus he’s never snapped at me like that.”

  “Maybe you never pissed him off like that. You piss me off all the time, you’re not used to pissing men off yet?” He cracked a smile and I nudged him a little with my elbow.

  “Thank you for always making me feel better.” I sniffled against his hard pectoral muscle.

  “You got it baby.” He kissed the top of my head then stood up. “Look, I got work to do. Take your emotional ass back to work and I’ll drop by this evening okay?”

  “Okay.” I hugged Cole for a long time, so long that I didn’t want to let go. When he finally pulled back I pressed the quickest peck to his full lips. He ran a quick hand over his face and glanced around before returning my peck then ushering me out the door.

  Normally, Emmanuel will come by for a little while and see the kids in the evenings. He’ll spoil Chloe with a new toy and hold Mason until he falls asleep so when he wasn’t there and neither was Xavier, Chloe got highly upset.

  “Where’s daddy?” She quizzed.

  “Daddy’s at work.”

  “Well, where’s Manny?” She asked clear as a bell.

  “I don’t know baby. But maybe uncle Cole will come over.” Her emerald eyes lit up at the mention of Cole. I noticed the one person she didn’t ask about though was Alexander. It struck me that he’d been gone so often that she didn’t really expect to see him like she did with Xavier and Emmanuel. It made me sad, honestly.

  I wanted Alexander home but I knew better. I knew he actually had to work.

  For a brief moment, I thought maybe I’d get my wish and Alexander would come home early when I heard the familiar beeping at the front door. It was only Cole though.

  “How the fuck did you know my code?” I frowned.

  “I’ve known your code for a while.” He frowned back at me. “I just never use it.”

  “Why are you using it now?”

  “Because I wanted to.” He pushed past me and I rolled my eyes at him. Even though he got on my damn nerves I was happy to see him.

  He spent most of the evening on the floor at Chloe’s beck and call while I rocked a very fussy Mason. I couldn’t tell if he was teething or if he was just generally cranky. Maybe he missed his daddy like I did. As if he could hear my thoughts, Alexander called to check on us.

  “Cole is here for a little while.” I told him with a smile.

  “Okay, cool. And Xavier?” He asked.

  “Not here. He doesn’t pick Chloe up until Friday.” I sucked in a breath and said, “I miss you baby.” I winced a bit because I could hear myself clearly tell Emmanuel the same thing earlier in the day.

  “I’ll be home a little after eleven, okay?”


  “Hey babe, send me a picture of you bent over.” He told me in a low tone that made me throb between my legs.

  “Okay, hang up.” I giggled as I rushed into my bedroom. I was wearing a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt but I changed into something sexier for the picture. I pulled on one of Alexander’s cotton button down shirts and took everything else off quickly. I bent over in front of the large floor mirror by the dresser and snapped a picture, then another and another just for good measure.

  “Hey Camilla, Chloe wants apple jui…” Cole stood there eyeing me for what felt like an eternity before slowly backing out of the room and closing the door. I was fucking mortified.

  I mean I flirt with Cole relentlessly but he’s also my friend and he’s never seen my ass in the air and me wearing nothing but a men’s shirt…an open shirt at that. Jesus. I sent Alexander the pictures and pulled my sweatshirt and leggings back on.

  The entire damn night was an awkward mess. Dinner was silent, the kids’ bath time was quiet except for Chloe splashing and playing, and even though bedtime was supposed to be quiet, it was even quieter than normal. It was painful.

  Once I had them successfully tucked in and out for the night I walked into the living room and looked at Cole.

  “Okay, you can leave now,” I sighed.

  “I thought you wanted company for at least another hour.” He glanced at his watch then at me.

  “I thought you were horrified after seeing my ass in the air.”

  “Nah.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “I do wanna see the picture though.” He smirked.

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “Oh, I’m serious as hell.” He snatched my phone and ran out of my reach while he flipped through my ass in the air pictures. “Damn, Camilla.” His eyes bounced from the phone to me and then back again. “I mean, I knew you were thick but…” He rubbed the back of his neck and handed me the phone. “I didn’t know you were working with all that. Jesus.” He shook his head and started chuckling.

  “Shut the hell up.” I grumbled. Although hearing Cole openly ogle me did make me a little hot under that damn sweatshirt.

  “I’m just saying
.” He held his hands up and walked into the kitchen. “You want a drink or you good?”

  “More like a pill.” I sighed happily. While I was cleaning up earlier I’d found one of Laurel’s pill bags. When I called and asked her she said they were all Xanax. I popped one and Cole shook his head and made himself a drink, then another and another.

  “Alcoholic much?” I laughed.

  “Trying to erase the image of your pussy out of my mind.” He told me. My cheeks flashed red instantly and he laughed at it. “Calm down. I’m just fucking with you.” Cole tugged on my hips until I was right up against him. “Manny tried to scare me away from fucking you today.” He laughed a little but it never reached his eyes.

  “Are you serious?” I grumbled. “I mean, does anyone think we’re just friends?”

  “I don’t think so.” He remarked. His hands slipped up and down my sides as my arms wrapped around his shoulders. Did Cole always smell this damn good? He smelled really fucking good right then.

  “So what the fuck was that kiss earlier?” He asked me, his head tilted to the side curiously.

  “I don’t know. It was just a peck though.” I shrugged. When the hell did his hands slip under my shirt? I felt his hands on my bare skin and I shuddered from his touch.

  “A peck?” He licked his lips and I felt like I was going to fucking lose it. Had he always been this fucking fine?

  “Cole, I need to get away from you.” I told him slowly. He flashed me perfect teeth in a genuine laugh. “Stop, don’t laugh.” I told him. “I’m a little too gone right now off this fucking Xanax.”

  “I’m fucked up too. Don’t worry. We’re always good.” He told me. His hands kept touching my skin though. They slid up and down my back until they were successfully under the back of my bra. “So it was a peck?” He asked, bringing us back to the kiss.

  “Yes.” I let a laugh slip.

  “It was a nice peck.” His hands slipped down to the small of my back. “So what does a not-peck feel like?” We were close enough to feel heat from each other’s mouths.