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©2019 Danielle James.
All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, place, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Every man has a pinnacle of his sexual ability. With some men the pinnacle is fucking and you know it because their dick game is immaculate and you gush over it even when they’re not inside of you. Other men are really good at talking their way between your legs but then they get there and fall flat.
It’s different with each and every one of them.
The pinnacle of Leonard’s sexual ability was eating pussy.
That was it.
That was all.
So when he made me cum twice in a row from his tongue then slid his dick inside of me, I had to put on an Oscar-worthy performance. I gave him everything he wanted. I moaned for him and stared into his eyes. I bit my bottom lip and dug my nails into his back. It was a rehearsed symphony.
Leonard thought he was curling my toes and making me shake but he was sadly mistaken. I was good at showing people what they wanted to see and Leonard didn’t want to see me yawning and rolling my eyes, which is what I really wanted to do. He wanted to think he was King Dick.
God knows the man wasn’t even Prince Dick. He wasn’t even Supervisor of Dick. It was a shame too because he had such a long cock. That was exactly why I had to get on top. That way, I could make myself cum if Leonard didn’t shoot his load before I had the chance.
How the hell could you walk the earth for fifty-four years and not know how to use your dick even a little bit? How many women had lied to him?
“I’m so close, Leonard,” I moaned and sank my nails into his back hard enough to make him pause in his thrusts. “Let me get on top.” He stared down at me for a moment with sweat coating his strong brow, making his brown skin shine.
He was insanely handsome for a man his age. That’s how he ended up catching my eye in the first place. I was working tables at an upscale hotel and Leonard was at a conference in the ballroom. He flirted with me all night and once the conference was over I ended up in his suite with his tongue in my pussy.
The rest is history.
Leonard nodded his head and I straddled him, slipping his cock between my walls. It took all of thirty seconds for Leonard to tense and his toes to turn into tiny little nubs. “Shit, Belle. You know I can’t handle you being on top.”
“Just a few more minutes, baby,” I whined as I bounced my ass faster. Sweat rolled down my spine and I felt pressure mounting in my core.
Just hold out for a little while longer, Leonard…
True, he’d given me two orgasms with his mouth but I was greedy. I wanted them all.
The pressure grew so intense that it pressed against my insides, begging to be released. My lips parted as I braced for impact. Leonard’s fingers dug into my ass cheeks while his mouth latched on to my tit. He needed something to distract himself.
“Leonard Martin!” A sharp voice rang out from the bedroom doorway and deflated all my dreams of snagging another orgasm. I looked over my shoulder to see Leonard’s wife, Katie, glaring at us with brown eyes that pierced like a rusty knife.
“What the fuck?” I cursed hopping up. The cool sheet I grabbed stuck to my body like a second skin thanks to the sweat I’d worked up.
“You’re still fucking her? She’s a baby! What the hell is your problem?” While Katie was busy yelling and slapping the shit out of her husband with anything she could get her hands on, I searched the floor for my clothes. Hell, even a pair of panties would have been nice.
Too bad I didn’t have any on when he came over.
Crawling around on my bedroom floor to avoid getting caught in the crossfire between husband and wife while searching for clothes wasn’t my proudest moment.
My hand swung back and forth under the bed wildly and finally connected with something silky.
Ha! I found it.
I pulled out the red and black camisole I had on when I answered the door for Leonard and tugged it over my head. When I popped up from the floor, Leonard’s lip was bleeding and Katie was fuming. Her rusty knife eyes searched for me on the floor. When we locked stares, I offered her an awkward and apologetic smile.
“Um…hi, Miss Katie.” We were standing on opposite sides of the messy king-sized bed but that didn’t stop her from lunging across the sea of disheveled sheets and pillows. She fell flat when Leonard grabbed her arm and yanked her back. He was old but he was strong as fuck.
“Kate, stop it,” he roared and flattened her against the wall.
“You said this was over. You promised!” Her words trembled. I couldn’t tell if it was from anger or pain. Either way, it pissed me off because he told me he was done with her.
“Look, I’m sorry about all this.” I moved toward the bedroom door and pushed it open wider. It was an invitation for her to leave any time she wanted. She could take her fucking husband with her. The longer the drama unfolded, the itchier my palms got.
“You’re okay with breaking up a happy home, little girl?” Katie asked.
“I’m not breaking up a happy home. Or at least I didn’t think I was.” I cut my eyes at lying ass Leonard and continued. “He told me you two were done. He told me the divorce was final.” I could feel the familiar heat of anger needling beneath my skin like a rash. I hated being lied to. I’d spent my entire life being lied to and abandoned.
“You’re a home wrecker. This shit is done. End it, Leonard.” She snapped from between clenched teeth. She stormed out, the floor vibrating under her furious steps. I turned my gaze to Leonard and waited to see what he would say.
It wasn’t like we hadn’t been down this road before. Katie walked in on us once when we first started messing around. We were at his house and I’d just put on another amazing performance in bed. She stormed in like SWAT and I damn near fell to the floor. When he told me that Katie was his wife, I was livid.
I never wanted to be that girl. The one that fucked married men and took money from them. I liked Leonard because he spoiled me. He pretended to actually care. I thought I had him all to myself.
After Katie stormed in on us, Leonard decided to get me a place of my own so that wouldn’t happen anymore. He promised me that once the divorce was final, we’d move in together. I wasn’t in love with him but I couldn’t turn down the promise of a home to call my own and financial stability.
“Bellamy,” Leonard walked over to me and swiped the blood away from his lip with his tongue. “I’m sorry.”
“Whatever, Leonard. What happened to the divorce being final?” I handed him his shirt and pants then walked over to the mirror to run my fingers through my pixie cut. Something in the air shifted when he let out a heavy sigh instead of sticking to his divorce story.
I stopped framing my face with wisps of hair and looked at Leonard’s reflection in the mirror. He ran a hand over his beard and sat on the edge of the bed. None of those were good signs.
My hands tingled with heat. I was getting increasingly pissed off the longer silence ticked by without being filled with words. “Leonard, I thought the divorce was final. So have you been lying to me? Now we have to end everything because of your fucking lies?”
“I’m too old for this shit. You see the way Katie came in here? She hit me, Bellamy.
“You didn’t answer me. Are. You. Divorced?” Leonard’s Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat and I imagined myself ripping it out with my bare fucking hands.
“Maybe it’s best that we end things, sweetheart.” He pulled on his pants one leg at a time and I tried to quiet the pounding in my ears. It happened every time I got angry. My heart thumped so loud that the sound echoed through my entire body, making me throb like a drum.
Leonard put his hands on my hips after he put his shirt on but that was the wrong fucking thing to do. When anger trickled through my veins, touching me was the last thing anyone should have done. I wrapped my hand around a thick bottle of Chanel perfume and tried to squeeze the life out of it. The glass was cool against my fiery palm.
“Are you divorced?” I asked him again.
“I can’t have Kate running around here getting so worked up that she’s hitting me. What if she does something to you? It’s not smart anymore. It was fun while it lasted.” The pounding grew louder and louder until it was a ravenous chorus begging for release.
In one motion, I swung my arm and launched the bottle of perfume at Leonard’s face. I didn’t care about him groaning in agony or the gash the perfume opened above his eye. All I saw was red.
“Where the fuck am I supposed to live, Leonard? What’s going to happen to my car? My clothes?” Leonard had been financing my life for more than a year. I thought his divorce was final months ago, especially with how he showered me with attention all the time. I loved the condo and gifts but I craved the attention. It was liquid gold for me. All I had to do was put on a performance when we fucked.
Livid didn’t begin to describe the heat slicing through me.
I slammed my fist into Leonard’s face and opened another cut on his cheek thanks to the five-carat diamond ring he gifted me last Valentine’s Day. “Stop this, Bellamy! Do you want me to call the police?” He panted breathlessly against my ear. He restrained me and managed to lock my hands behind my back but that didn’t mean I wasn’t fighting against him.
“Fuck you and the motherfucking police, Leonard. Get off me,” I shoved him backward with all my might and it only made him stumble a few paces.
“I’m going to let you go but you have to promise me you won’t go crazy.”
“I’m not promising you shit,” I spat.
“Bellamy, you had to know this wouldn’t last forever,” he sighed, tightening his grip on my wrists.
“Really? This coming from the motherfucker that cried and said he wanted to marry me? Fuck you. I hope when Katie does actually divorce you, she takes half of your money.” The pounding in my ears made my head hurt and my bones tired.
“I’ll call you, Bellamy.” Leonard let go of my wrists and dashed out of the bedroom door leaving me with a migraine and the need to put my fist through something.
I spent the rest of my evening ignoring Leonard’s calls and draining the bank account he set up for me. I didn’t know what the fuck his scary ass was going to do. I didn’t know if he was even in the process of divorce. I didn’t know if Katie planned to make him cut me off either. Honestly, I wouldn’t have blamed her if she did but the thought of having nothing again sent me into a panic.
Either way, I was going to keep the money and clothes. The lies and all the times I had to fuck him when his dick was trash meant I wasn’t leaving a single thing behind. In one night, I had most of my clothes and shoes packed in suitcases and what didn’t fit in the suitcases got tossed into big black trash bags.
My anger finally started to subside the next day and I decided after he called five times in a row, that I would answer Leonard’s phone call. I sat in the breakfast nook with a bowl of Lucky Charms and placed him on speakerphone. “What, Leonard?”
“Have you calmed down?” He asked.
“Maybe. Are you married?”
“Yes, Bellamy. I’m sorry I lied to you,” he sighed. “ But now Katie is talking about real divorce and all kinds of shit. I can’t deal with that right now so we have to lay low.” I rolled my eyes and crossed my legs under the table. My foot had already started jumping from irritation.
“Lay low? You were supposed to be divorced. I don’t want a man I have to lay low with, Leonard.” I rubbed my forehead and shut my eyes for a moment. “Does this mean you’re putting me out of the condo?” My brows crashed together and my head started to throb. I should have put off answering his calls a little longer.
My anger didn’t know how to come on slowly. It had to pop up all at once and leave me in pain until I satiated it. “It would make things go so much smoother if you’d leave voluntarily. I know that is all so sudden but…”
“Whatever, Leonard. Let me tell you this though, once this is over don’t ever reach out to me again. We’re done. If I see you, I’m going to try to gouge your fucking eyes out.”
“Bellamy, don’t be that way. You’re always so angry…”
“I am. You knew that a long time ago though so fuck your pleas for an amicable split. If I see you on the street I will try my hardest to knock your teeth out.” I rammed my finger against the end call button and finished my damn cereal.
Once the bowl was empty, I smashed it on the kitchen floor and started packing my things in the back of the Benz truck. If I didn’t think I’d get hurt doing it, I’d crash that motherfucking truck into the nearest tree.
I drove to The Baccarat and paid for a suite for the weekend, hoping to come up with a contingency plan. I wouldn’t be able to afford much beyond the weekend if I still wanted to have some kind of shopping and food budget.
The suite was gorgeous and it managed to take my mind off some of the frustration crowding my head. My mind wanted to focus on the mounting anxiety of not having anywhere to sleep but I had to force myself to think about something else.
You can’t fuck someone else’s husband forever and get a free ride.
I rubbed the smooth space between my brows to shut up the toxic voice in my head. I didn’t know he was still someone else’s husband. The vivid yellows and reds on the trees outside of my window helped me breathe a little easier. Autumn was almost over but colors still clung to the leaves and helped to paint the sky a gorgeous color.
The sharp tone of my phone ringing made me jump so hard I almost bit my tongue. Leonard was calling. I had to give myself a slow temple massage before I answered.
“What, Leonard?”
“Where are you? I came by the house with something for you and all your stuff is gone.” He actually sounded worried. Asshole.
“I’m at The Baccarat. I had to get out of the condo, remember? Your wife is talking about divorce. A divorce you told me was fucking final.” I kicked over a trash bag of clothes and it toppled over on its side, spilling designer labels all over the floor.
“I’m coming over,” he told me after a sigh. I ended the call and shoved some of my shit in the closet so he didn’t trip over everything when he came in.
Part of me wanted to look Leonard in the eye and tell him what a coward he was but another part of me wanted to hurry up and wash my hands of him so I could move on. I had to think quick if I didn’t want to live on the street.
When I got with Leonard, I promised myself I’d start a business, find a job or something for myself. I didn’t want to ride his coattails and be a kept woman but I couldn’t deny the way it made me feel to finally not have to worry about money or where I was going to sleep or how I was going to eat.
I wasn’t in love with Leonard but I was in love with the security he offered. The bite of hot tears pricked my eyes but I refused to cry. I never cried. I’d been hurt beyond measure and I learned that crying never stopped or helped anything. Fuck crying.
Fifteen minutes after I hung up the phone, Leonard showed up in my room in an expensive Italian suit and leather shoes that cost more than my entire fucking life. I hated him for being able to push me out of his world so easily. It turned my stomach sour.
he pushed my name out like a breath of relief. My eyes immediately fell to the huge bouquet of pink and white buttercups tucked in the bend of his arm. He knew damn well my weakness was flowers. I took them from him and glared.
“I still want to punch you in the goddamn face,” I told him, my words slathered in honesty.
“I know. I can’t make you forgive me but just know that I don’t want things to end like this. Being with you was the most fun I ever had.”
“Yeah, but you have to go back to living your rich life with your wife, right?” I ran water in the ice bucket and set the buttercups inside gently. They were so beautiful I could get lost in their petals.
“It’s not just about money, Bellamy. I’ve been married to Katie for more than twenty years.”
I wrapped my arms around myself and dug my nails into the heel of my hand to stop from hitting him. I didn’t want to hear about his marriage. It wasn’t supposed to exist anymore.
“It’s about money, Leonard. You don’t want to divorce Katie because she’s going to take half of everything. It clearly doesn’t matter if you’re happy with her or not.” I pressed my nails deeper into the fleshy heel of my hand until it burned. God, I wanted to hit Leonard.
Couldn’t he see how he was fucking my life up?
“You don’t know anything about marriage. You’re only eighteen, sweetheart. Listen, take this,” he handed me a thick white envelope and said, “I know things are gonna be tough now but you’re a strong girl.” His words made my heart pound. The sound began to echo through my head settling in my ears.
“Get out, Leonard.” My voice started out as a low growl.
“Maybe later on once things settle down…”
“Get out!” I exploded when he brushed his knuckles across my cheek. I shoved him repeatedly until he stumbled back to the door. “You’re a fucking coward and you know it. You were supposed to have left your goddamn wife a long time ago.”
Leonard said nothing. He stared at me for a few seconds letting the room swell with unspoken words then he left. Just like that.
Leonard was no different than every other man that came in and out of my life. I thought things would be different because he made me feel like I actually mattered. I was so goddamn stupid to believe it. I didn’t matter to him or anyone else.