Twisted Forever Read online

Page 5

  The entire flight back to Miami, I thought about how to deal with Camilla and Xavier. I didn’t have room to get mad since I’d been more than just fucking Anais over the past months. I’d helped her move out of the safe house and into her own condo, found her a job working as an assistant in one of my college buddies’ practice’s and showed her that she could live life without her piece of shit, abusive, dead husband.

  I’d rehabilitated Anais, the same way I’d done with Camilla, only I was severely slacking with my own fiancé now. I knew if I let Manny know about Anais and how I basically lived with her in Montana then he’d take my family away from me and probably worse. It was imperative that I denied everything no matter how painfully obvious it all was until I could figure out what I wanted to do permanently.

  When I walked through the door, the familiar sounds of home greeted me, making me smile, but it was the sight of Xavier riding Chloe around on his shoulders that snatched the smile right back.

  “Alex!” Chloe screamed when she laid eyes on me, but her father looked less than pleased.

  “Chlo, go to your room.” He gave her a pat and she ran down the hall. Xavier walked up to me with his arms folded tightly across his chest.

  “What’s up, doc?” He smiled but it never reached his eyes. I dropped my bags and tried my best not to let emotion take over me. If I did, I’d bash his goddamn face in for walking up to me like I was in his house and not the other way around.

  “I’m surprised your code still works to get in here.”

  “Where’s my fiancé?” I asked, craning my neck to find Camilla.

  “She’s sleeping. That’s what happens when you get fucked right.” He leaned in so only I could hear him and I shoved him back out of my personal space but I was itching to crash my fist into his arrogant face. Xavier laughed a little and shook his head as he regarded me.

  “You’re fucking up big time.” He told me as if I didn’t already know. “You better hope for your own sake that you straighten this shit out. I’m more than willing to take what’s mine.”

  “Nothing in this house is yours except for Chloe, and you’re not taking her either.” I just narrowly dodged his fist in time to catch him with my own punch. We scuffled for a few minutes before Camilla emerged from the bedroom looking ever bit as groggy as Xavier said. They’d just got finished fucking…in our bed. I didn’t even want to look at her.

  “Alexander? What the hell are you doing here?” She almost shouted at me. “What the fuck is going on?”

  “He needs to go.” I boomed, pushing past him.

  “I’m not going anywhere. My daughter is here.” Xavier snapped back.

  “Leave her and take your ass home.” We were back in each other’s faces and Camilla was shouting trying to break us apart. It was one hell of a homecoming. One that I unequivocally deserved.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are, doctor? You aint shit. You’re no better than anybody else.” Xavier’s words stung but instead of dealing with it I send my fist crashing into his mouth instantly drawing blood. Another fight broke out from there and Camilla tried in vain to stop it. The next thing I heard was Chloe and Mason crying, I paused and searched for them but I didn’t see them. That one momentary pause got me punched right in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me.

  Everything was moving too damn fast and too slow all at the same time. At one point I had Xavier pinned to the wall trying to asses everything but he’d managed to get out of my grip and we were back to fighting.

  It wasn’t until I felt a pair of hands prying us apart and I heard a gun click that I was able to understand what was happening. Guns have a way of making you focus really quickly. Cole stood between us with a pistol in his hand aimed straight up. Camilla must have called him at some point and had him rush over.

  “What the fuck is wrong with yall?” Cole shouted. “There are kids in here! Yall stupid motherfuckers…” He shoved me into the living room and tucked his gun back in his waist.

  Camilla finally walked out, carrying a crying Mason and a scared Chloe. Fuck. The guilt ate away at me until I couldn’t even sit there anymore. I stood to my feet and walked over to my son, holding him, trying to calm him but he wouldn’t stop screaming. Camilla just gave me the look of death. Like she couldn’t even stand to be next to me.

  “Look, I’m gonna get out of here so yall can talk.” Xavier told Camilla. Boldly he kissed her cheek before he left. I swear I had to swallow every bit of testosterone in my body to keep from not fucking him up. I was able to relax a bit more once he was out of the house.

  “Give me the baby.” Cole said, taking my son. “You two…talk.” He glanced from Camilla to me before taking Chloe’s hand and going into another room. I walked over to Camilla and reached for a hug but was met with a stinging slap across my face. Something else I deserved.

  “Baby, I’m so sorry about all this.” I told her. I was one step from groveling at her feet. “I was trying to surprise you and come home from Helena early. I didn’t expect to run into Xavier.”

  “Of course you didn’t. It’s like you don’t even live here anymore, Alexander.” She spat. She was projecting anger but her eyes read pain and sadness. “It’s like you don’t even care.” Her voice broke apart and gave way to emotions.

  “I do care. You know I care. I love you.”

  “Really? I can’t tell.” She shoved me hard. “Are you cheating on me?” She asked blatantly, tears quivering on the rims of her eyes. “After everything you’ve seen me go through are you really cheating on me with Anais?”

  My entire chest felt constricted suddenly. My mouth went dry and I searched my brain for any way out of this.

  “Camilla…no…just listen,” I stammered. She didn’t listen though, instead she laughed. Bad sign.

  “No, Alexander you listen! You wanna know why I called Cole to break you and Xavier up instead of Emmanuel?” Her eyes narrowed to slits. I knew full well why she did it, but she proceeded to tell me. “Because Emmanuel would have killed you. I’m trying so hard to give us a chance but it seems like you don’t want a chance. You want to go live your life in Montana and forget we have a baby together? A fucking life together!”

  “I’m honestly just working Camilla. I can scale it back though if it will make you feel better.” I could see it in her glistening eyes that she didn’t believe me, even though I knew she wanted to.

  “Like you care what makes me feel better?” She scoffed.

  “I do.” I pulled her over to me and tried to kiss her but she turned her head. “Look, we’ve both made mistakes. I’ve been focusing way too much on work and you’ve been letting Xavier run rampant through our house.” I picked up one of Xavier’s shirts and fought the anger clawing it’s way to the surface.

  “Are you really going to bitch at me about Xavier being over here?” She laughed.

  “Yeah, I am. He doesn’t need to stay over here.”

  “Well maybe he cares about the fact that the mother of his child is alone most of the time and stressed all the time.”

  “He damn sure didn’t care when he was cheating on you and about to beat your ass though, did he?” I fumed as I moved closer to her face. “I’m not Xavier.”

  “I know! At least he told me the fucking truth!” She tried to move away from me but I had her blocked. I needed her to hear me out. When she tried to push past me again, I wrapped my fingers around her arm. “Alexander get off of me. I’m not stable right now.” I could see that she was telling the truth. She had that look in her eyes. The distant look she got right before she did something dangerous.

  Before I could release her arm the barrel of Cole’s gun was pressed against my temple. I chuckled at it and pushed it away. “Seriously? All I did was grab her fucking arm.”

  “I don’t care. You must have had your dick too far in Anais. Now you’re putting your hands on women? Wonder what Manny would say?”

  “You know intimidation doesn’t work well when the subject knows wha
t’s going on right?” I smirked. I refused to get unnerved by Camilla’s bodyguard. I turned to look at her and only her, hoping that she heard me out. “Camilla, don’t let that shit take over. Calm down and bring it back okay?”

  “Fuck you. You don’t get to pretend like you care!” She pinched the bridge of her nose and started yelling for me to get out and even though I knew better than leaving her, I also knew if I stayed it would be worse.

  I glanced at Cole and groaned. “You need to leave.” I told him in a cautionary tone. “Now.”

  “Look, take your shit and go somewhere. I’m fine.” He told me confidently. I knew better though, Camilla was on the verge of a severe mood swing and no amount of medicine would help her out of it. I stood at the door watching her wince in pain and I kicked myself for letting things get to this point with her.

  I couldn’t leave right then. I couldn’t. “Cole, take the kids out of here.” I instructed. No matter how pissed Camilla was she wasn’t quite focused when she was in pain. I had to work quickly to get the kids out and Cole out before she ended up doing something she’d regret.

  He looked torn but decided to listen, thank God. Once the kids were safely out I rushed over to Camilla despite her slapping me away. She was curling up in a little ball, wracked with pain and I felt like I would die if something happened to her because of my stupidity. I carried her to our bedroom where more evidence of Xavier was strewn around. I ignored it all and tried to get Camilla to focus on me.

  “Open your eyes.” I said while stroking her hair. She shook her head vehemently in response. “Camilla you have to talk to me. I don’t care if you tell me how mad you are; I wanna hear how hurt you are. Talk to me, baby.” Tears spilled from her closed eyes as she rocked back and forth. She refused to hear me.

  I was left with one resort.

  I hated having to use it but I needed to reach her. Gently I brushed the hair from her face and looked at her. She was starting to whimper and beads of sweat were forming on her brow. I shut my eyes and tilted her head to the side so that her neck was exposed. I placed my lips on her skin and immediately remembered why I was in love with her. I sucked on her and pressed my teeth into her skin until she gasped and moaned.

  “I missed you so much.” I spoke into her ear. When she didn’t respond, I grabbed a handful of her long hair until her eyes popped open. “Is this what you need Camilla?”

  “Uh huh…” She was looking at me apologetically now.

  “Tell me you missed me,” I growled.

  “I missed you Alexander.”

  “Did Xavier fuck you today?” I was kneeling over her now, my hands pinning her to the bed as she peered up at me. She averted her gaze but I grabbed her face and made her look at me. “Did you give my pussy away?” I nudged her legs apart and squeezed her sensitive clit until she screamed in agony and ecstasy.

  “I’m sorry!” She cried. The apology sliced through me like a hot knife but I had to act unaffected.

  “You’re sorry?” I slid my fingers inside of her with one hand and cupped my fingers around her throat with the other.

  “Yes, I’m sorry…” She sobbed and gasped for air the tighter my grip got around her. I slid my fingers in and out of her wet pussy and as much as I wanted to fuck her, I couldn’t because I knew the entire time I’d been gone, Xavier had been inside of her. Taking what was mine.

  “You’re so bad, Camilla.” I released her throat and pinched her erect nipples. She trembled and moaned out my name, it sounded so fucking sweet. “You know better than giving away my pussy.” My dick was begging to be inside of her. I never got this hard with Anais and I loved fucking her but Camilla turned me into an animal.

  “Alexander, I need you.” She half whine half moaned. “Don’t leave me anymore.” Tears flooded her eyes and rolled down her cheeks the deeper I fingered her pussy. I wished that I could take back everything I’d started with Anais. I wished I never kissed her or held her when she found out Malcolm got killed. I wished I never fucked her under the moonlight in the middle of the therapeutic garden. I wished I never told her I’d always be there for her.

  I crashed into a kiss with Camilla, biting on her lips making her cry out in passion. I loved her so much it hurt but for some reason it only translated when I was in front of her. My mind was never this clear around Anais.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered against her needy mouth. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” I meant each apology and every kiss. I wanted to mend her but I knew that would take time. I made up my mind to put in the work for Camilla. She was the mother of my child. She deserved my all.

  Camilla had two orgasms back to back and only then was she able to focus and calm down.

  “Stop going to Montana.” She said out of the blue. I swallowed and looked over my shoulder at her.

  “I…I’m gonna cut it back. Okay?”

  “No. Stop.” She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at me. “It’s tearing us apart.”

  She was right of course but I just needed to have my cake and eat it too. Anais needed me just as much as Camilla did.

  “Look, I have to go back one more time but after that I’ll stop.” She didn’t smile she just nodded and stared ahead. “Will you stop this shit with Xavier?”

  “I have to do it one more time but after that…I’ll stop.” She threw my own words back in my face with venom dripping from them. She still wasn’t convinced that I wasn’t cheating. Fair enough.

  “Have you and Manny…” I let my words hang in the air, afraid of the answer.

  “No.” She retorted in clipped tones. Relief flooded my chest and I let out a rush of air I didn’t even know I’d been holding in. Xavier was easy enough to get under control but Manny? I knew once she opened that Pandora’s box there’d be no turning back. It would essentially be the end of us, more gravely, the end of me.


  Chapter Six


  Camilla sat in my office wearing a white blouse and a black skirt; both fit her like a second skin and I found myself imagining how the buttons would sound if I popped them. How the fabric of the skirt would sound ripping between my hands.

  “Chinese or Mexican?” She slid her full pouty lips from side to side with indecision.

  “Whatever you want, Cami.” I couldn’t focus past her breasts and hips. Food was the last thing on my damn mind. I watched her call in an order for Mexican food and noticed she was wearing her engagement ring again.

  “Alexander must be out of the doghouse,” I sighed. He’d been screwing shit up left and right with Camilla and I was just waiting. The minute she called me telling me she needed me or that she was done with Alexander, I would forget all this distance and plant myself right back in the middle of her life.

  I knew I had my work cut out for me if I had to ever tell her about Mason being mine but I was willing to ride that storm out too. Whatever I had to do, I’d do it. I wasn’t making a single move until she asked me to though. She knew what a phone call asking for my help meant and I knew she’d avoid it at all costs as long as she was still trying to work things out with Alexander. In the mean time I just had to fight off the urges I had when we were alone.

  “Oh, not entirely,” she frowned.

  “You’re wearing your ring.”

  “Yeah, he’s finally home.” I already knew though. Cole filled me in on everything. He thought I’d lost it when I started laughing but it was all I could do to stop from killing my brother.

  “You know I’m here if you ever need me.” I reminded her, moving closer than I probably should have. She swallowed hard and tried not to look into my eyes. She gave me a quick nod and a polite smile.

  “I know, baby.” Her words hung in the air and I cleared my throat so I didn’t pounce on her.

  “Okay. Just know…I never forgot where you belong.” I growled in her ear. I couldn’t help it. I put my hand on the small of her back and she damn near melted. She knew where she belonged too.

  Her small hand pressed against my chest partially to steady herself and partially to touch me. When she finally locked eyes with me I saw her reserve fading away. I was trying so hard all this time not to fuck her but damn if I wasn’t ready to right there in that office.

  “Emmanuel,” She panted through parted lips. “Can you come over tonight?” She pleaded. Now both hands were on my chest and I was pressing her against my body fully.

  “What’s going to happen if I come over, Camilla?” I asked her knowingly.

  “We’ll make love,” she whispered.

  “I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to make you cum so hard you’re going to forget Alexander’s name.” My grip closed in on her waist. We were so close I could feel her heart thumping against me. She nodded her head and licked her parched lips. “You’re not ready for that right now. You’re still trying to make it work with him, right?” My hand slid down to her round ass and I grabbed it hard, making her gasp.

  “Yeah but I miss you so much.” She tugged on my tie until our lips touched and fire spread from me to her and back again. “Oh god.” She nearly drowned in her own moan and just the sheer erotic sound of it made my dick stand up. Even something as small as a kiss was explosive between us.

  “I want you so bad.” She almost cried. “I need you…” She pressed her body against my erection. “I don’t care about anything but you.” She confessed with her eyes closed.

  “I know,” I chuckled. I could smell how wet she was and it was killing me not to taste her sweet juices. I shoved her tight skirt up around her hips until her yellow thongs were exposed. I paused to admire her smooth brown thighs and rounded hips before pulling her panties down. I held them to my nose and inhaled Camilla’s sweet scent like a flower.

  Her cheeks flushed red as she watched me. “You still smell so fucking good.” My lips hovered dangerously close to her neck and I felt the urge to bite her but I fought it. If we decided to break our plutonic agreement it would be on her terms. Right now we were on my terms.