Forbidden Love Series Book 4: From The Ashes Read online

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  Jacque wanted to say something snarky and mean to her, he wanted to grab her up and kiss the shit out of her. But all he actually managed to say was, “Uh, hey.”

  Yep. That was what the Hound Dog, lover of ladies, the man of men, had come up with to greet his mate. Fan-fucking-tastic. No wonder she ran from him before.

  “Hey Jacque,” she said quietly. “How ya been?” She seemed to be having trouble meeting his eyes. She had planned on walking into this room as if she belonged there. She had been confident and strong willed and an army of other characteristics that flew south for the winter as soon as she laid eyes on him.

  He was just as she remembered, tall, thin, broad chested and utterly mouth-watering gorgeous. He had taken out some of his jewelry, but that was only a minor downer. He was thinner than she remembered and he had lines on his face that made him look older.

  Which was silly because vampires didn’t age. His dark hair was in its regular pose, standing straight up from his head like a porcupine. She wondered if it would be stiff or soft if she put her hands in it. The spiked dog collar around his throat sent a warning to anyone who dared get near him. He looked dangerous.

  “Frankie,” Jessica said, “Get your ass in here and get settled. As soon as the rest of the guys get down here they are gonna wanna get started. You should be ready.”

  Frankie nodded and took a seat in the middle of the floor, dropping her oversized purse beside her. She did her best not to look at Jacque. But even as she heard him take a seat she could feel his eyes on her. They were boring a hole in the back of her head. She could feel the heat from his stare, and without warning her brain flipped off and went back to when she was injured and in the hospital.

  He had fed her from his wrist that day. His blood was rare in the fact that it contained healing agents that most vampires did not possess. It hit her like a Mac truck going fifty. All of her senses came alive and with a little bit of help from Jacque, ended in one gargantuan orgasm. One for the history books to be certain.

  “Frankie,” Jessica said impatiently. “Hello? Where’d you go?”

  Frankie looked up and saw her friend waving her hand back and forth in front of her face.

  “There you are,” Jessica laughed. “Sebastian and Angel are coming.”

  “Ok, sorry,” Frankie said. She felt the blood rushing to her face. Doing her best to hide her blush, she opened her bag and took out the tools of her trade. Three beeswax candles, a book of matches, and a small silver bowl. “I need water,” she said.

  “I got this,” Gage answered first and got up and snatched the little bowl from her. He disappeared into the kitchen and Frankie heard the water running.

  Angel and Brea entered the room hand in hand and took a seat in a recliner across the room. Sebastian followed but managed to squeeze his ass in beside his wife. Again, as he kissed Jessica, Frankie felt a stab of longing in her chest. Now was not the time to be feeling sorry for herself. She trampled down her erratic emotions and concentrated on the spell she needed to cast.

  “Ok here ya go,” Gage said, sitting the little bowl on the floor in front of her. “Let’s get started.”

  “What exactly do you plan to do?” Jacque asked from behind her. His voice sent little shivers down her spine and she had to take yet another second to collect her thoughts.

  “I was thinking,” Frankie said, “Jess told me you guys had tried just about everything, so maybe we should start with a mutual prayer to the Goddess for direction.”

  “Can’t hurt,” Angel said. “What can we do?”

  “It would help if we all prayed together,” Frankie answered. “Everyone join hands and try to think as one.” She waited while those who could move did and everyone was holding someone else’s hand. Frankie sat in the middle of the circle.

  She lit the candles and placed them in a circle around the bowl. “I call upon the power of light,” she said. Then she ran her finger around the edge of the bowl. “I call upon the purity of water,” she continued. She opened a little baggie of dirt and dumped it into the bowl. “I call upon the strength of the Earth,” she said. “Our Goddess we pray to you today. We pray that you hear us and send us the help we seek. We seek a way to talk to the one that is lost. The lost brother, Antonio, has tried to communicate and we beg of you to show us the way to find him.”

  The entire family sat stone still with their eyes closed, putting all their faith and hope into the prayer.

  “Please, our loving Goddess, show us the way.”

  And that was when the TV turned on all by itself.


  Macy was only a little concerned when Antonio just disappeared. Just like a man, really, to just wink out in the middle of a conversation. Hell, she hadn’t wanted to talk to him in the first place, and when she finally did, he split.


  It wasn’t worth getting upset over. She had to go to work and that was exactly what she did. She had finally written the email he had been begging her to write and sent it to the address he had supplied her with. She knew it wasn’t going to do any good, but she had done it just to shut him up. He had disappeared before she wrote it and she hadn’t seen him since. Maybe that was his unfinished business and he had moved on. That was what she had wanted, wasn’t it. She wanted him to find peace and leave her alone, right? Right. She had gotten ready for work in record time and hauled it to the station. And because she most definitely was not worrying about that damned ghost, absolutely was not the reason she rolled into the parking lot exactly five minutes before show time.

  Macy ran through security, barely taking the time to show her ID badge as she all but hopped over the turnstile. She sprinted past the dressing rooms and went straight for the stage. She hadn’t worked her ass off for the last three years to make it to meteorologist anchor just to be late and then that Sissy Farmsworth would get to go on in her place.

  No way in hell.

  Macy barely made it in time for her camera man to slap a mic to her shirt and then the little red eye on the camera started blinking.

  “Good Morning LA,” she said with a wide smile. “We have had a great week in the LA Metro area so far with temperatures holding in the seventies and the sun shining every day. Will it continue?” And there he was. Antonio just appeared out of thin air right in front of the damned camera.

  She tried to ignore him, but it was damned hard. He had never followed her to work before, and this time, she didn’t know what to think. He looked different. Sweaty and pale were just the start of it.

  She wanted to ask him what was wrong, but not with a million people watching. So she continued. “This week we are looking at temperatures falling into the forties. In some areas, it may even drop to near freezing.”

  “Snow!” Antonio shouted.

  “Snow? I’m calling for snow?” Macy asked Antonio, but since no one else could see or hear him, well… let’s just say the producer raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Cold cold cold,” Antonio shouted.

  “No not cold,” Macy said.

  “Tell them!”

  “Go away,” Macy said under her breath.

  “Tell them now!” Antonio insisted as he moved toward her. He had a crazy look in his eye and she was genuinely scared.

  “Leave me alone!” Macy yelled out. The producer was already making the cut motion with his hand and the crew was exchanging confused glances.

  “Say it now!” Antonio yelled. He kept disappearing and reappearing in front of her like she was blinking her eyes, but she wasn’t. “Angel Knight! Angel Knight!” And then he blinked out completely.

  “Fine!” Macy said in tears. Her career was no doubt ruined and he was so desperate that there was no backing out now. “Angel Knight, for the love of God, please contact me!” Macy knew her career was over and she ran off the set to go find a hole to hide in.


  “Zut Alors,” Jacque said under his breath. “Tell me I’m not the only one who just saw that.”r />
  “Mon dieu,” Angel agreed.

  “I told you Frankie’s relationship with the Goddess was solid,” Jessica laughed out loud, giving her husband a gentle punch on the arm. “Remember Honey?” she said to Sebastian. “I asked the Goddess to help me and I got you.”

  “I remember,” he said with a smile.

  “So, I guess we found your dream,” Leigh pointed out. “I mean, a meteorologist calling for snow and asking for Angel? I don’t think it’s a coincidence.”

  “You’re right,” Frankie said. “We asked for help and now we need to find that girl. Anybody know her name?”

  “No, I don’t,” Jessica said. A series of similar statements followed. No one knew the girl’s name.

  “Well it can’t be too hard,” Jessica said. “Angel, get on the phone and call that TV station.”

  “Already there,” Brea said as she thumbed through the phone book.

  Frankie felt Jacque’s eyes on her again. She turned to him and sure enough, he was staring.

  “I have been worried about you,” he said in that sultry French accent. His voice had always been at odds with his appearance, but that was one of the things Frankie found most endearing.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, “I never wanted you to worry.”

  Was it just her or did the room clear out in record time? Everyone except her and Jacque had split for less awkward locations.

  “Where have you been?”

  “Oh, around.” She wasn’t about to tell him that she had been stalking him.

  Jacque knew she wasn’t going to tell him what he wanted to know. And he wanted to know everything. Where had she been all this time? What was she doing? Had she found another mate?

  Oh didn’t that make a growl rise right up from his chest without asking permission. Just the thought of another man touching her was enough to make him snap into a murderous rage. Maybe it was better that she kept quiet.

  Frankie could see that he was getting irritated with her. In fact, she could feel the anger vibrating off him. She should just go. Now. “Look, I don’t like my being here anymore than you do. I just want to help Antonio and go back home where I belong.”

  “I,” Jacque wanted to tell her how wrong she was; that she belonged here with him. But instead, he watched her turn and walk out of the room, leaving behind only her scent and what was left of his heart shattered on the floor.

  “Her name is Macy,” Brea said as Frankie entered the kitchen. “The receptionist would only give me her email address, but it’s a start.”

  “I have to be going now,” Frankie interrupted. “I hope you guys find what you are looking for. I hope everything turns out ok.”

  Seven heads turned and looked at her like she had grown another head herself. “I just don’t want to be in the way.”

  “Don’t be silly,” Jessica said, breaking the contact with her husband and walking around the table. “We love having you here.”

  “We really do wish you would stay,” Angel said to her.

  Frankie started to protest, but before she could get a word in, she was cut off at the knees.

  “I really don’t give a fuck what you want,” Leigh said calmly. “We need you here, Jessica needs you here, and you need to be here whether you’re willing to admit it or not. I don’t give two shits about how awkward things are between you and Jacque right now. This isn’t about you; it’s about what you can do. So if you don’t mind, sit your ass down and help us.”

  Frankie just stood there, stunned into silence. The bitch in her was ready to walk out right then and there. It was Rebel who convinced her. “Please don’t make her mad,” he said. “We can’t keep replacing the fire extinguishers.” The fact that he was serious and no one laughed brought her sense of self-preservation to the forefront and Frankie dropped her bag at her feet.

  “What can I do?” she resigned.

  “Go to that news station and see if you can’t find a way to contact Macy. She is the key here. Do whatever it takes and bring her back here.”

  “And if she won’t come willingly?”

  “I’ll go with you,” Leigh said.

  “Are you sure honey?” Rebel asked her.

  “I’m pregnant, not broken. Besides, if she gives me any shit, I’ll singe off her hair.”

  Frankie wasn’t sure how she felt about taking the dragon, especially since she wasn’t entirely sure who’s hair she was talking about singeing, and she thought the only reason Rebel allowed her to go at all was because she would make sure Frankie didn’t bolt again. She was well and thoroughly fucked, and not in a good way.


  Macy didn’t wait for the producer to fire her. No, there was no sense waiting for the formalities; she knew she was fired. Canned like a bunch of sardines. After running off stage and hiding in a closet and crying until she ran out of tears, she raised her chin and marched straight to her office and grabbed her laptop and her files. She could be an adult about this. She was going to leave with what little of her pride she lad left intact. With the laptop strap slung over her shoulder and a box of personal things in hand, she made a b-line for her car.

  As she walked down the steps she prayed no one would see her, and of course, someone did. “Macy!” a female voice called out. It wasn’t a voice she knew, and even if she did recognize it, there wasn’t anyone she wanted to talk to at that point. She pretended not to hear it and kept on walking. “Macy!” the woman yelled, closer this time. Just twenty more feet, she thought, and then she could get in her car and finish running away.

  “Damn it, Macy stop!” the woman yelled breathlessly. It was obvious she was running to catch up and if Macy didn’t move her ass a little faster that woman was gonna catch her. Too bad she couldn’t move any quicker with her arms full as they were. She must have looked absurd, what with the load she was carrying and the speed walk.

  “Macy,” the woman said as her hand made contact with Macy’s arm.

  Macy spun around and damned near dropped her box. “What?” she snapped at the woman.

  She was short, with brown hair that was pulled into a ponytail, little hairs escaping all around her face. She was gasping for breath and raised one finger in the air in the universal hold on a sec pose. “Damn, you are hard to catch,” she said in between breaths.

  “What do you want?” Macy said with a glare. She shifted the box so that she could get her keys out of her pocket. She pressed the unlock button on the key ring and heard the satisfying click of the locks on her car being released.

  “My name is Frankie,” she continued, “Angel Knight sent me to get you.”

  Wow, that was fast.

  “We need you to get in the car and come with us to his estate please,” Frankie said.

  “Who’s we?” Macy asked, looking around Frankie for the other part of the “we” in that statement.

  Frankie turned and looked around. “Well, shit, she was right behind me.” Macy scanned the parking lot with her eyes for another woman. “Me and Leigh came to get you. Angel wants you at his home yesterday and he isn’t the sort you say no to. Now if you could just help me find that damned dragon…”

  “Dragon?” Macy asked. She brought the dragon??

  “Yeah the dragon. Rebel will kill me if I lose his wife.” Frankie turned her back on Macy and walked a couple of cars down.

  “I’m just going to put these things in my car and take them home first. I can meet you there.” Macy said. What she meant was let me get in my car so I can drive as far away from you as possible. Angel Knight and his crew had already caused her to lose her job and she really had no interest in going to his home.

  “No, bring it with you,” Frankie said, still looking for the dragon. Her hand was still holding tight to the upper part of Macy’s arm to ensure the woman didn’t get away from her too.

  A black Lincoln pulled up and stopped directly behind Macy’s car. The driver side window rolled down slowly, revealing the woman behind the wheel. She had the blac
kest hair Macy had ever seen, the most golden yellow eyes, and a look of sheer irritation that kind of scared her.

  “Oh thank Goddess,” Frankie said, walking up to the car. “Leigh, meet Macy. Macy, meet Leigh.”

  “Get in the fucking car,” Leigh demanded. No ‘it’s nice to meet you,’ or ‘Hi how’s it going,’ just get in the car. Nice.

  “What about my stuff?” Macy asked, looking longingly at her car.

  The trunk of the Lincoln popped open. Guess she had her answer. Macy let loose a long sigh and placed her belongings in the trunk. Frankie was already holding the back door open so Macy got inside.

  Well that wasn’t as hard as Frankie thought it would be. The woman sat quietly as Leigh drove them back to the house. At least, no one got burned. She had heard stories about Leigh’s temper and she was not one to push it.

  The meteorologist sat silently in the back seat and watched the scenery go by.

  “Have you talked to Antonio?” Frankie asked her.

  “Not now,” Leigh said before Macy had a chance to reply. “Wait for the guys.” Her tone left no room for speculation on what that meant and even less for arguing.

  Leigh tapped the Bluetooth on her ear. “Call Cowboy,” she said. When Frankie looked at her quizzically, she told her, “It’s Rebel’s nick name. I’ll tell you the story sometime.”

  Frankie nodded and waited quietly while Leigh spoke to her husband. “Yeah we got her. Uh huh. Ok hold on.” She stopped at a red light and twisted around as best she could with her large belly to look at Macy in the backseat. “They want to know why you geeked out on TV and told them to contact you.”

  Macy took deep breath. “You probably won’t believe me,” she said. When Leigh remained stopped and looking at her with those weird yellow eyes even though the light had changed to green, Macy continued, “A ghost told me to. Said his name was Antonio.”

  Leigh turned back around and started the car moving again. “She said Antonio told her to.” There was a pause. “Yep. Says he’s a ghost.” Another pause. “Ok I love you too, bye.”