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Forbidden Love Series Book 5: Into Forever Page 4
Forbidden Love Series Book 5: Into Forever Read online
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“I don’t think I want to get up,” he growled. “Not with you standing there naked.”
“Jacque,” she pleaded with him. She didn’t know how much more she could take. Angel would be upset if they didn’t come downstairs.
“I told him we will be there shortly. It isn’t an emergency,” Jacque told her, mucking around in her head again.
“Hmph,” she grunted.
She didn’t get to argue further because his mouth was on her again. He kissed her with a passion that was her undoing. His leg pushed her legs apart wider for him as he plundered her mouth. And then, he pushed himself inside her with one stroke. Frankie gasped out his name and gave up trying to get out of bed.
Forty five minutes later, Frankie and Jacque joined their family. Angel filled them in on the conversation with Jade instead of making the child repeat herself. When he finished, Frankie talked to Jade about the woman in her dreams. “I think it must be the Goddess, I mean, Azerial. She came to me too,” she told Jade.
“Well, then I guess you better get on it.” Jade placed her fists on her hips and waited for Frankie to try to bail out of the situation.
But Frankie didn’t. “You’re right,” she replied. “Would you like to help me?”
“Yeah!” Jade squealed. “What do I need to do?” She was rubbing her hands together and was obviously super excited about helping.
“We need to get everything ready so that when Gage gets home, he can be here too,” Frankie said.
“No,” Jade replied with a shake of her head.
“What do you mean, no?” Frankie asked her.
“I mean, we can’t wait for Gage. You gotta do this now.”
“Why now?” Frankie asked cautiously.
“Because if you don’t, you won’t know what to do when Gage needs you most,” Jade replied. She was so matter of fact about it that it left little room for argument. Frankie wanted to argue, but deep down, she knew the little one was right. She needed to find her gift again and a simple blessing should do it. Fear reared its ugly head down in her gut, but Jacque knew it and placed his hand on her lower back, instantly comforting her. She could do this.
“Ok,” Frankie said. She sent Jade on a treasure hunt of sorts, gathering all the items she would need for the blessing.
When Jade skipped off to find everything, Frankie turned to Angel. “Do I even want to know why we are listening to a child?”
Angel shrugged his shoulders. “She has been getting more powerful each day. The more she grows, the more she learns. I think perhaps her gifts may go further than we all thought. I believe she is gifted with sight.”
“Oh,” Frankie said. What else could she say? Vampire-human hybrids were so rare that the family really didn’t have much to compare her to. They all knew she possessed some psychic ability, but until this day, they thought it to only be communication. Apparently, they were mistaken and had underestimated her.
“I got it,” Jade said, bursting back into the room like a firework exploding. She had already gathered everything Frankie told her they needed with a speed she could have only inherited from her father.
“Ok,” Frankie said with a wide grin. “Put them all in the middle of the room while Rebel goes and gets the changing table for me.”
“The changing table?” Leigh asked. “What the hell for? You gonna change a diaper?” Frankie laughed. “No, I thought that would be better place to put her than the coffee table.”
“Oh,” she said, taking Toni from Rebel’s arms as he quickly went off after it.
“Will you teach me to be a witch?” Jade asked Frankie. She studied the child. She only saw sincerity in her eyes. She looked at both Brea and Angel before answering. Jade huffed a little, but waited patiently while her parents seemed to have a silent conversation. They were blocking her and it irritated her, but she also knew that if she wanted them to agree, she should keep her mouth shut.
After a moment, Brea answered, “I don’t see a problem with you teaching her about the goddess or even a few harmless spells.”
“I agree,” Angel said. Then he turned to Jade, “But you must understand that Wicca is a way of life, not just a fad. If Frankie teaches you, I expect you will be an outstanding pupil.”
“Oh yes I will!” Jade said through a broad smile that showed her little fangs. “I promise.”
“Ok, then let’s get started.” Frankie moved aside so that Rebel could place the changing table in the middle of the room as Frankie had asked. She spread a soft blanket over the top and waited while Leigh gently deposited a sleeping Toni directly in the middle.
“Let’s start by saying a small prayer,” Frankie said. She closed her eyes and bowed her head. She felt, rather than heard, her family gathering around her. She felt Jade’s hand slip into hers and Jacque take her other hand. She was doing a pretty good job of keeping up appearances, but Jacque knew she was shaking inside. Just the simple touch of his hand and his presence with her gave her palatable strength that she felt flow from his hand into hers. It moved like a warm caress up her arm and settled into her chest, giving her the confidence she needed.
When the whole family, minus Gage, was settled together and holding hands, Frankie began. “Dearest Goddess, we seek your guidance and protection,” she said. “We have brought before you a most precious child, seeking your blessing. Watch over and protect us as we beseech you and your gifts.”
Frankie turned and told Jade to light the candles. She did exactly as Frankie said. As she lit each one, she said the chant that went with it that she had unceremoniously picked out of Frankie’s head. “Goddess of light, we pray to you,” she said. “Goddess of Earth, we pray to you.” Jade continued until every candle was lit, illuminating the room in a soft glow.
“Very good,” Frankie praised her. She couldn’t help but feel the welling of pride in her chest at Jade’s quick learning and skills. She could even feel Jade’s determination to do it right. Everyone had a little bit of wiccan power inside of them; they only needed to learn to call it. She could tell the ability was going
to be strong in Jade. “I am going to say the words to the blessing now,” she told Jade in a pseudowhisper. “I want you to say the words with me in your head, ok?” Jade nodded vehemently.
“Dearest Goddess, we beseech you,” Frankie began. “This house has already been blessed with the birth of a precious child. We ask you now to bless this child, hold her near to your heart, and keep her safe, always. We ask that you come into her heart and help us to lead her on her path, whatever that may be.
We ask that you shower her in your love and protection.” She took a deep breath and held it. That was the end of the blessing prayer. Frankie didn’t know what she expected to happen, but the room remained quiet.
Then Toni squirmed a little bit in her soft pink blanket. A warm, soft breeze flowed through the room and the baby sighed, drifting back off to sleep with a sweet little smile on her face. Jacque squeezed Frankie’s hand and there were no words to describe the relief she felt inside. Her dream had been real. The Goddess had not left her.
It was then that Jade spoke without Frankie’s help. “And, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble,” she said, “Could you help us to understand what kind of power, if any, little Toni will have?” There was a smile in her voice and the question was innocent enough…
The breeze that had only just left the room returned, and everyone looked around. It picked up speed and was a gentle wind in no time. Toni was whimpering in her sleep and very quickly shot completely awake. And oh boy, she was not happy about it. Before Rebel could take two steps to reach for her and comfort her, she opened her mouth and wailed like a banshee! The ear splitting wail had everyone covering their ears, including Leigh, as she made her way to her child. When she picked up the baby, her eyes met Rebel’s. “Uh oh,” she said, placing Toni right back down, but this time on the floor. “Make a space,” she commanded while spreading her arms wide, and her family backed away from the baby. They
were confused, but knew that Leigh meant business, so they did as she told them to.
Toni was crying, but no one dared to touch her. A mist began to form around her little body and the air began to warm. The smell of sulfur burned their noses, and the madder the baby got, the stronger the smell became. They all stood, too dumbstruck to move, watching what was happening right in front of them. Fire shot from the baby’s mouth and licked toward the ceiling, swirling and encompassing the infant.
Still, no one moved.
The flames burned hotter and the smell of burning carpet mixed with the stench of sulfur. The fire alarms started going off, adding a shrill beeping to the baby’s crying. And then, almost as quickly as it had begun, the flames died down and the crying stopped. The fire alarm was still blaring, but no one seemed to notice. They were all too busy staring in a silent stupor at the baby. No, not a human baby, but a little black dragon lay on the floor where the baby had been. Her scales were a shiny black, just like her mother’s. The golden skin that had graced her hairline in human form was now shiny gold scales that framed her little dragon face. On her back, there was a set of tiny wings. There was no way those wings were big enough or strong enough to permit flight, but they were there. She lumbered to her feet, stumbled, and sank back down. She let out a frustrated huff and smoke blew from her tiny nostrils.
Something clicked in Leigh’s head and she shook herself mentally. She immediately dropped to her knees and scooped up her baby dragon into her arms. “Oh my girl,” she cooed at her. “I am so proud of you. You changed! Your first change!” There were tears in her eyes as she stroked the baby’s long neck and Toni nuzzled into her mother’s chest, making a rumbling noise that sounded a lot like a purr. Rebel dropped to his knees beside her and began stroking his daughter as well. He knew there was a possibility that Toni might take after her mother, and the feeling had been growing since Toni never showed any inclination to drink blood or sport fangs.
“Well, I guess now we know,” Jade said, entirely too proud of herself. She fisted her hands on her hips in what had become a signature Jade pose and said, “I don’t want to break up the moment or anything, but don’t ya think someone should put out the fire and turn off the alarms?”
Gage found Serena right where he expected her to be. She was pacing back and forth muttering to herself, and every so often, throwing her hands into the air. No, not muttering, Gage realized as he approached. She was chanting. She was saying a Fey spell and keeping it strong.
His heart did a little flip flop in his chest, as it did every time she was near. Her long hair shone like silk in the moonlight and her pale blue sundress did nothing to hide the luscious curves she had. He was instantly hard and almost felt bad about it, because whatever she wanted, had been urgent to her.
“Hurry,” she told him. “Get in the circle.” Gage didn’t see a circle, but moved quickly to her side, and then noticed that she had arranged different leaves and flowers in a circular pattern around them.
“What’s going on?” he asked taking her face in his hands. “I came as fast as I could.”
“It’s my mother,” she said. The word “mother” fell from her beautiful lips with disdain. “She has sold me up the river! How could she do this to me! Might as well shackle me and toss me in the back of a truck.”
“Slow down, Princess,” he told her softly. “Start over, from the beginning. What happened?” “I am leaving tomorrow,” she wailed, freeing herself from his hold. “I have to go to meet Prince Adeer! He wants to meet his new bride! I know how this works. I will meet him, he will promise me the world, and then we will be married and there is nothing I can do to stop it! Life itself is hurdling out of control like a freaking perfect storm and it’s taking me with it!” Serena continued to rant, but Gage’s mind had stopped working. It was stuck on one word. Tomorrow. He had known he was on borrowed time with Serena, he just hadn’t figured on it being so little borrowed time.
Shit, there was so much he had yet to do with her, so much he still needed to tell her. How was he supposed to get ready to let her go in one day? Hell, he didn’t think he could ever let her go. No, he knew he couldn’t. He had been a fool to ever think he could. He looked into her beautiful eyes that were shimmering with unshed tears. He could feel his own building behind his eyes. There must be a way!
“Run with me,” he blurted out. It was an idea he had toyed with a time or two, but never actually made any plans to do so. But he could pull it off. “Let’s leave and go into hiding. Between the two of us, we can build a private life together.”
Serena barked out a dry laugh. “If only,” she said. “My mother has put a spell on me. It is a tracking spell and she will always know where I am. I only snuck out tonight because the spell was new and I hid myself. It will only hold for a little while. She is so much stronger than me.”
“So she will find you out here?” Gage asked.
Serena raised her eyes to meet his. His sandy hair was a mess on top of his head and his blue eyes were full of grief. His boyish charm was replaced with worry that made him appear much older than he was, or at least, older than he normally looked. She studied his broad shoulders and followed the line of his abdomen down to his trim waist. Long legs rose up from the ground and met in the middle. He was beautiful to a fault. “Eventually, yes,” she finally answered him. “I had to see you one last time,” she said. “I had to be with you again. I couldn’t just leave without loving you just one more time.”
Gage’s cock punched hard against the zipper of his black jeans. If he only had a matter of hours left with Serena, then hell yes he was going to be with her again. With only a thought, he moved with her to the small clearing that they had been together in many times before. He heard the soft rustle of the leaves as they crushed under her back. He pulled her arms so that she was sitting, and then he yanked his shirt over his head. He spread it out quickly behind her and laid her back down on it. “I need to be inside you,” he said, “But not just yet. If this is our last time together, then I want to make sure I have memorized each and every inch of you.” He lowered himself to her side, not quite on top of her. “I will start here,” he whispered as he took a lock of her hair in his fingers. He curled it around his finger, watching the way it shone in the moonlight. He loved her hair. It felt like silk in his hands and smelled so wonderful. He raised the lock to his nose and breathed in the lovely scent. He couldn’t resist drifting it across his face before returning it to its rightful place.
Serena was looking up at him with a mixture of adoration and pain in her eyes. She didn’t speak, but there was no reason to. Gage knew what she was thinking. She needed him as much as he needed her. She wanted his hands all over her. He needed to touch her like a dying man needs air to breathe.
He trailed his fingers along her face, memorizing the contours and feel of her skin. He traced her lips with his index finger and when she opened her mouth, he couldn’t wait any longer. He lowered his face to hers and took her mouth in a slow, sweet kiss. He relished the feel of her soft lips against his own. Her tongue darted out to trace his lips and he sucked it into his mouth. She moaned into his mouth and that little sound pushed him further. He kissed her harder, taking her mouth like he was going to take her body. Her teeth scraped his lip and it sent shivers down his spine.
He moved from her mouth and she gulped in air as he moved along her jaw and then to her neck. He could feel the pulse that thundered under her delicate skin and his fangs throbbed with the urge to sink them into her flesh. But he couldn’t. He knew that if he had even one taste of her blood, he wouldn’t be able to let her go.
Gage stood to his full height above Serena. From this angle, he seemed to loom above her like a giant. He was tall and broad shoulders, but looking at him from the ground made him seem even bigger and more powerful. Serena’s body responded to the image of him standing there in front of her. He was shirtless and the contours of his sculpted abdomen stood out in sta
rk contrast to his surroundings. She reached for him to bring him back down to her and he took her hand, but shook his head. “I need you to stand,” he said as he pulled her up to her feet.
“Ok,” she said tentatively. “I’m standing.” She flashed him his favorite seductive smile. He pushed her gently so that her back was once again against their tree. He pulled her dress over her head, leaving her to stand in the night wearing only her panties.
Gage took his time kissing her shoulders and then her breasts. He took one nipple into his mouth and sucked. Serena felt the fire from his kiss all the way from her breast to her core. Each pull of his mouth sent an electrified current right where she needed him to touch her the most. When he released her, her nipples were as hard as diamonds and throbbing from his attention.
“Gage,” she said quietly.
“I know baby,” he said. He dropped to his knees and began kissing her long legs. Serena gasped when he licked up the inside of her thigh and had to grab hold of the tree behind her for leverage. Her knees were weak and when his hot breath skated across her panties, she thought she might just come right there.
“These have to go,” he said to her panties. With a snap of his teeth, the fabric ripped away and fell from her body. He could hear her chanting softly, and he knew she was strengthening the spell that hid them from her mother. He allowed her a moment to chant while he stared at the beauty in front of him. She managed to get through the spell twice before Gage lost the reign on his control. He growled deep in his chest and then his mouth was on her.
Gage did wonderful, torturous things with his tongue as he kissed her intimately. He ran his tongue over every inch of her core before pushing her legs apart and driving his tongue inside her. She moaned and her entire body shook with each movement of his talented mouth. Her hands jerked to his head and pushed him closer to her as she began to grind her hips into him.