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Out of the Dark (Forbidden Love) Page 2
Out of the Dark (Forbidden Love) Read online
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Any reasonable sense of calm and order Brea had flew right out the window when they answered. ADrink, Hmm, what does a vampire drink?”one said. AI could think of a few I would like to drink,”another said. AAre you personally on the menu?” another asked.
Fear clutched at her heart and she nearly turned tail and ran. But she needed her job and running wouldn’t help. She screwed her courage up tight, even though her heart was slamming against her rib cage, andraised her chin,ANo, I am not on the menu, and I was referring to wine. There are other places to get what you want, we do not serve human on our menu,” she replied with just the right amount of distaste in her voice.
“I like this one, she’s feisty!” one said.
“Enough,” the man at the head of the table said sternly. The others fell silent. AWe would very much appreciate two bottles of your best red wine, Brea. And when you return, we will be ready to order. They will behave from here on out, I promise you,” he said, looking not at her eyes, but at a spot on her forehead. It was a courteous gesture, one meant to insure trust. It did not, however, dampen the effect of his voice. It was deep and velvety, seductive and sexy. The timbre seemed to vibrate all the way into Brea’s bones. She liked the way her name rolled off his tongue. He had the slightest accent, one Brea couldn’t immediately place.
“Alright, I’ll be right back.”
Brea walked a little too fast away from the table. When she finally ducked behind the service station, she folded her arms on the counter and dropped her head on her arms. After a few deep cleansing breaths, she turned her attention to the conversation already going on.
“Are you sure?” Keelie asked.
“Positive,”Brandon answered. AI would know that face anywhere.”
“Who?” Brea asked.
“The man at your table. The one on the end. I would bet my left nut that’s Angel Knight. You know, rock star?”
“No way, I was just there. It couldn’t be,” Brea said.
“Did you look at his face? I mean, if it’s not him, then I’m a straight man,” Brandon declared.
“Well, you do like women too,” Brea teased her friend.
“Just get your sweet ass over there and see for yourself. Better yet, ask him. Can you get his autograph for me?”
Brea left Brandon to his ramblings. Even if this man was Angel Knight, there was no way she was asking for an autograph. She had a job to do and she would do it. She rang up the wine and removed it from the shelf. After arranging twelve wine glasses on a tray and balancing it with her left hand, she grabbed the two wine bottles by the neck with her right. It was a delicate balancing act, but not one she couldn’t handle.
Upon approaching the table, Brea quietly asked permission to set the wine on the table before placing an empty glass in front of each vamp. Guest, she reminded herself. The owner of Rhino’s prided himself on catering to all people. All people were guests. She expertly opened both bottles and poured each guest a glass. She was all about service. They came here to get the best service, without being ogled for who and what they were. She would make damn sure that is what they got. When she poured the wine for the one with the green eyes, her heart jerked violently in her chest. It was him. Angel Knight! At her table!
All twelve vampires, guests, ordered steak. Rare. No vegetables. That was the usual order for vamps. Blood was needed, but they, especially older ones, could eat meat. Brea was the perfect server, seeing that their glasses stayed full, their meal delivered in a timely manner. She did her best not to talk to them unless they spoke first. Her hands were shaking the entire time, but she endured. When finally, finally, they were finished eating, Brea cleared their dishes.
When she reached for the empty plate in front of the head vamp, the oh so dreamy Angel Knight, he grabbed her by the wrist so fast that she never saw it coming. She immediately dropped his plate back to the table with a loud clatter. Brea looked at the man with fear and distrust. She glared at him, as if to say,Ahow dare you touch me?”
Realizing that when she dropped the plate, she inadvertently knocked over his wine glass. The red liquid was spilled on the table and dripped down into his lap. AI’m so sorry,”she pleaded,Alet me get a towel, I will get you cleaned up.”
“It’s no bother,”he said quietly, still holding her wrist. AYou are not to blame, I am.” He raised her wrist to his face and skimmed his nose over her pulse, breathing in her scent. AMmm, delightful,” he murmured.
Brea was horrified. She was angry. He was smellingher with the most frightening expression on his face, as if he was restraining himself from tasting her. Before her brain caught up to her mouth, Brea was yelling at him. ALook buddy, my job is to serve you while you are here. I told you before and I meant it, I am not on the menu. I don’t care how good I smell, my blood is going to stay right where it is. Inside my body. Now let go!” She jerked her arm away from him, slightly pleased with the shocked and hurt expression on the man’s face. Served him right. Just because he was famous did not give him the right to go about sniffing people. It was just rude! She knew that she had possible ruined any chance of getting a decent tip, but she couldn’t manage to care. He was over the line. Brea stomped away with their plates. She was so mortified that she had Keelie deliver the check, and collect the payment. Brea stayed behind the service counter until the men were gone.
Angel had not meant to offend the young woman. He hadn’t intended to smell her. He just couldn’t help himself. She had treated his family as if they were normal humans. And as if he weren’t famous. Perhaps she didn’t know. No, he heard the other servers telling her who he was, and yet, she did nothing that would indicate she believed them. It was difficult to go anywhere and not be overrun with fans and star-struck women. Her nervousness was evident, yet she persevered. She had an inner strength that Angel admired. She had been right; Angel had crossed a line by touching her like he did. Even though his actions had caused her to wash her hands of Angel and his group, he made sure to leave a sizable tip that was more than adequate for her troubles.
He would have given her any amount she wanted. He would have given her anything she wanted. She was remarkable. Her hair was the color of red roses and her scent matched. Her skin was so pale and delicate he could see the faint blue veins underneath. Her eyes were perfection. They were such an unusual violet color. She was breathtakingly beautiful, but it was a quiet beauty. He noticed that she wore very little makeup, not like the women he was used to being around him. They were groupies at best. They came to him for no other reason than he was famous, offering their throats and bodies for his pleasure. Sometimes Angel would accept, but most of the time he left those women to his family.
No, this woman was special. She should be treated with dignity and respect. Her personality commanded it. No one would touch her without her permission. He would see to it. He would have to see her again. But how? She very obviously didn’t care for him or his kind, even though she treated them with respect. There must be a way, he thought.
“My lord?” Sebastian called from the doorway.
“Enter,” Angel answered. The younger vampire glided into Angel’s private chambers without a sound.
“Are you still thinking about that girl?” Sebastian asked. His blue black hair was restrained behind his neck with a leather tie, but a few strands escaped and draped over his shoulder. Sebastian was second in command, and was concerned about his leader’s melancholy state.
“Whatever makes you think that?” Angel asked, averting his gaze away from his friend.
“You have been in this room for two days, and you have not fed. What can I do to assist you, my lord? You must keep your strength up. The council will be here in a week’s time, and you must prepare.”
“Have you ever been so captivated by one woman, Sebastian? One who refuses to leave your mind, one who haunts your every thought?”
“No, my lord. But there are others who have.”
“And what did they do?”
/> “I am surprised you do not recognize this for what it most certainly is.”
“And what might that be?”
“The others who have been where you are have sought out this person, and made her his mate.”
“You think that Brea is my mate?”
“I think it is a good possibility.”
“She detests me. All of us. How can that be?”
“You do not know that for sure. Fear of the unknown manifests itself in many ways. You must see her again, find out how she feels. Make her come to you.”
“I will never force her to be by my side. I will never force her to do anything she does not wish to do. I would sooner run naked in the midday sun.”
“Well, then, my Lord,” Sebastian said with a chuckle, “you must show her what kind of man you are, show her who you are besides the rock star. You must win her heart, because if she truly is your mate, you will not have a moment of peace until you do. You have counseled many vampires on this very subject, why do you hesitate to take your own advice?”
Sebastian had a point. “I see now why they have all wanted to tell me to mind my own business.”
“Perhaps you should go out for dinner tonight,” Sebastian offered with a smile.
“Yes, maybe I should.”
Brea was bussing her tables, pretending not to be disgusted with all of mankind. It had been a slow Thursday night to begin with, and people weren’t tipping well at all. It was part of the job, she reminded herself. Not every night was a good night. She did well enough, though. She generally made enough in tips to pay the utility bills at the apartment she shared with Brandon, usually with enough left over to go out on Friday night.
She smiled to herself when she remembered how that happened. Her boss had her working every weekend for more than a year before she cornered him and reminded him that she needed a day to go out with friends. When he refused, she threatened to quit. Not that she really would have, but John took her seriously. It was better to give her what she wanted than to lose one of his best servers.
It was nearing closing time and the restaurant was all but empty. All the other servers had gone home for the night, leaving Brea and the cook to close up. She didn’t mind. Not really. She had always been something of a night owl, and it wasn’t like she had someone to rush home to. Brandon would be there, undoubtedly entertaining his flavor of the week. He was such a slut, she thought. But still, Brea envied him. She envied his free spirit, his willingness to be close to people. She couldn’t fathom the idea of giving herself to someone she wouldn’t be spending the rest of her life with. It was just how Brea was raised. She had boyfriends from time to time, but when the promise of sex was taken off the table, they generally ran in the other direction.
Just as Brea was taking the last of the dishes to the back of the kitchen, she heard the front door open. AJust great,”she mumbled to herself. AAlways someone at the last minute.” That meant she would be there long after closing cleaning up after the last minute arrival. She glared at the clock. Nine forty five. Closing time in fifteen minutes. Just perfect.
Brea rounded the corner and grabbed a menu. She stopped ten feet short of the hostess stand. There, in the doorway, was him. That man. The one who sniffed her. Angel. He was alone. He was tall and broad and all the things a gorgeous man should be. His face was calm, but his eyes were worried. His nose was straight and his cheekbones were high. His lips were pressed into a line, but the action did nothing to hide their charm. Kissable lips, she thought. His black hair was contained in a single braid down his back to his belt. He wore black jeans and a black t-shirt. It was snug enough to show off the lines of his chest and tapered down his slim waist into his jeans. His emerald eyes met Brea’s and she forced herself to move.
“Good evening,”Brea greeted him without emotion. AJust one tonight?”
“It is just me,” he said, curving his lips into a smile. The sound of his voice made Brea shiver inside. She could listen to him speak all night and never get tired of it. Too bad he was a presumptuous, pampered jerk.
“Ok, then, follow me,” she said.
“I would like to sit at your table, please.”
“Darlin, they are all mine tonight,” she drawled, her accent giving away her nerves.
She sat him at a table near the service station and handed him the menu. He stared intently at her for a moment before asking for her suggestions.
“I recommend the house wine,” she said.
“Then that is what I will have. Is the kitchen still open?”
“Then I will have the rib eye, rare. No sides. And I would very much like the pleasure of your company while it cooks.”
“I am not supposed to consort with the guests,” Brea said, knowing it was a pitiful excuse. There were no other guests in the dining room and Brea had most of her work already done. She just didn’t want to have to talk to him more than was necessary.
“Is it because I am a vampire?” he asked.
“Of course not, it’s just the rules. Besides, you make me a little nervous.”
“Why is that? Surely you know that I intend you no harm.”
“You sniffed me,” she reminded Angel.
Angel took her hand into his ownand held it. AI did, and I am sorry about that. That is one of the reasons I have come here tonight. To apologize. That is not something I would normally go about doing, I just couldn’t seem to help myself.” He unconsciously traced small circles on the back of her hand with his thumb as he spoke. Brea felt little tingles from his cool touch, but shoved the sensation out of her mind.
“I should get your order in, before the cook goes home.”
Angel watched her leave his table. She hurried behind the counter and tapped on a computer screen, then turned and fetched his wine. Instead of bringing the bottle to his table, she poured the glass and brought it.
“Will you please sit with me a moment?”he asked. God! His voice was seductive. It was meant to entice his prey, and Brea knew it. AThe customer is always right,” he reminded her.
“I suppose for just a minute, but remember that I have work to do.”
“That is the other reason I have come here tonight. There is something that I wish to discuss with you.”
“I will be having company at my home next week, and I would very much like to hire you. You would not be serving, as you are now, but assisting me with the arrangements. You have spark and life, and I feel that you would be the perfect one for the job. I need someone with the right energy to bring life into my little get together.”
“Um, as nice as that is, I already have a job, and I am on the schedule for next week. I don’t think my boss would be too keen on my taking time off,” she countered. She could imagine the kind of life he wanted her for.
“I will see to your boss,” he countered.
“But I need the money. I can’t afford to take off. What are you talking about, a day, two?”
“All week. And I will make sure you are well compensated for your time. I don’t know what a server makes in a week, but I am willing to double it. Triple it, if you like.”
Triple her weekly pay? How could she refuse? But what about John? How could he handle John. It seemed very unfair to leave her friends to cover for her. “I don’t know.”
“Would five thousand dollars be enough, or would you require more?” he offered.
“Five grand! That’s more than I make in a month!” Brea’s heart leapt into her throat. She coughed once and then swallowed hard. “That’s a real nice offer, but I couldn’t possible accept.”
“Of course you can accept. That is the payment. And, of course, your promise to keep all you see and hear confidential.”
“You’re not gonna have some sacrifice or eat people are you?” she gasped.
“Of course not, that is against the law. Both human and vampire. No vampire is to feed on any unwilling individual. I merely meant my s
ecurity or any of my friends. Any conversations you may hear. Or any music that is not currently released.”
“You really are Angel Knight?”
“Yes,” he said with a smile. “You didn’t believe your friend?”
“Not really. I’m never lucky enough to get famous people at my tables. Oh, I better get your food!” Brea ran off to get his steak. She delivered it to him hot and rare, just as he asked. She pretended not to watch him eat, but she couldn’t help herself. She peered around the wall of the service station where she could see him, but he could not see her. Every movement the manmade screamed sensuality. The way he cut his meat, the way he lifted the fork to his mouth, the way he tasted his food. Brea caught herself thinking of other things he could be tasting, if only she would ask. “Stop it,” she said aloud, giving herself a mental shake.
After he was finished, Brea returned to his table. ASo, I need some time to think about this. Is there some way I can get in touch with you?”
“How about I treat you to dinner, tomorrow night. Let someone else wait on you for a change? You are not scheduled to work, correct?”
“No,” she had no idea how he would know that. “But I am going to the club with my friend. You could come there.”
“Which club?”
He smiled a slow grin. “I am familiar with that establishment. I will be there at nine. It is a date then,” he said, tossing a bill onto the table. “Keep the change. Good night, Brea.”
Brea watched him all the way out the door, admiring his firm backside. Oh how I love to watch you walk away, she thought. She turned her attention to the money on the table. He left a fifty. Wow.
Remembering that she lied about meeting friends, Brea took out her cell and dialed.
“Keelie, I need your help.”
“This is stupid,” Brea huffed, staring at herself in the mirror. “Why do I have to look like a floozy?”