Twisted Forever Page 7
“A not-peck?” I grinned.
There was no space between us only clothes. More and more I wanted the clothes gone.
“Show me,” he instructed. I felt his hands in my hair and I gasped. My arms locked around his neck and I looked into his amber eyes before slipping my tongue in his warm mouth. Cole’s hand gripped my hair hard the more we fed into the kiss, the more it made me moan. It felt so damn good.
“Cole, what the hell are we doing?”
“In a minute we’re about to be fucking.” He told me before yanking my hair back and kissing my neck.
“Oh my god,” I whined. He lifted me onto the counter and I wrapped my legs around his body. We locked back into our kiss and the pure adrenaline of the fact that we could get caught or either of us could come to our fucking senses and stop this shit was making me want it even more.
Cole was such a good kisser I was honestly shocked this shit hadn’t happened much sooner. In one motion my shirt was over my head and Cole’s hot mouth was on my breast while his hands yanked my leggings off.
“Your pussy is so fucking wet Camilla, how long have you been wanting this dick?” His gruff voice was right in my ear as he rubbed my clit with his experienced fingers.
“A long fucking time.” I moaned and bucked against his hand. I heard my phone chime in the living room but I ignored the fuck out of it for the way Cole’s fingers felt slipping in and out of me.
“Oh yeah? Show me.” He unbuckled his belt and undid his jeans and pulled his dick out. I watched him stroke it for a few minutes before I even moved.
Lord, Cole.
I hopped off the counter with his eyes on me the entire time then knelt before him, taking his cock in my hand. Cole took a fistful of my hair and guided my mouth down on his dick and I bobbed up and down on it enthusiastically because shit, it was a wonderful fucking specimen. Nice and thick and god it was long too. So long I gagged when it hit the back of my throat.
At that point I needed to feel him. Friend or not. Fuck all that shit.
“Cole I wanna feel you inside of me,” I told him.
“I know.” He pulled me up and bent me over the counter. Turns out he’s just as much of an asshole in the bedroom as he is in day-to-day life. I felt his dick pressing against my opening at the same time I heard beeping at the door.
We jumped apart so fast it seemed to suck all the air out of the room. I pulled my shirt on and searched for my leggings quickly while Cole pulled his jeans up and fixed his belt. How the fuck was I supposed to make shit work with Alexander when I couldn’t keep my pussy to myself? I pulled my leggings up just as Emmanuel strolled around the corner.
What. The. Fuck?
He casually tossed his keys on the counter and smiled at Cole and I.
“Camilla, your pants are on inside out.” He frowned. “Cole, you tired? You look tired, man.” A smile was fixed to his face but Cole and I both knew it was more of a warning than anything else. Cole sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, man. I’m leaving.”
“Let me walk you out.” I stammered, following behind him. Once we were alone outside I exhaled and nearly collapsed. “Oh my god Cole, I’m so sorry.” I whispered.
“You’re good,” he chuckled. “Don’t worry I can still wear that ass out. Just…later.”
“We’re still friends right?” I asked before he got into his car.
“Yeah. Of course. We just need to air this energy out.” He looked around me and then pulled me in for a hug. “Now give me another one of those not-pecks.” Hungrily I kissed him until our hands were roaming. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He told me with a wink.
Back in the house, I walked past Emmanuel without even looking at him. I heard him laugh at it but I didn’t see anything funny. He didn’t want me but he didn’t want me fucking Cole? What the hell? Xavier was cool, Alexander was fine but Cole was where he drew the line?
“I thought you wanted me to stay away from you?” I fumed.
“You know damn well I can’t go without seeing my…the kids.” He moved past me and went into Mason’s nursery.
“He’s been sleeping for almost an hour do not wake him up. He’s been so fussy tonight.” I fussed under my breath.
“I got this.” He told me, holding up a finger. “He probably just missed his…”
“Father?” I asked with a raised brow.
“…Yeah.” He touched Mason’s head and then picked him up so gently the child didn’t even budge. “What’s up buddy? I’m sorry I didn’t get to see you earlier.” For some reason the way Emmanuel hugged and kissed Mason made me forget how he’d yelled at me earlier and made me love him even more if that were possible. “I love you.” He whispered before putting him back down.
Next he went to check in on Chloe. He knelt down and just stared at her for a while before kissing her forehead and smoothing her curls out of her face. I didn’t know what the hell had gotten into him but I wasn’t mad at it.
He switched his gaze to me and sighed.
“Cole though?” He asked once we were in the hallway.
“What?” I grumbled. “Leave me alone.” He didn’t though; he followed me into the dining room where I began mindlessly cleaning things that didn’t need to be cleaned. I could still feel Cole’s mouth on my skin and it was a hard feeling to shake.
I mean we’d been nothing but plutonic for so long that the mere thought of us fucking had me bubbling over with curiosity. He’s so cool that I know I could throw some pussy his way and he’d still be the same old Cole the next day.
He wouldn’t be possessive like Xavier, or all consuming like Emmanuel, or get inside my head like Alexander. Cole would still be Cole, my friend. A friend I could fuck and not get caught up with. Shit, he was like a dream. Where the hell was he four years ago when I just needed dick with no strings attached? That’s certainly what I wanted and needed right now.
Uncertainty still swallowed me when I thought about Alexander’s fidelity and I felt my women’s intuition telling me that he definitely was screwing that bitch Anais. No matter how sincere he came across, no matter how many times he told me it wasn’t happening and never happened; I knew he was lying to me.
Things changed too drastically, too quickly for him to be doing anything other than cheating on me. I didn’t want to focus on it too much though because if I did, it would crush me. Instead I wanted to numb the pain and cause some in the process.
Xavier was a great outlet but he was getting so damn clingy and possessive. But Cole? Cole didn’t care because he was an asshole but most importantly he had his own shit going on. I couldn’t use Emmanuel as my pain-numbing outlet because he was more of an end game.
Emmanuel was my eleventh hour reprieve from the pain. He was the salve, the glue, and the leveler. That’s why I couldn’t go to him crying if I wasn’t sure I wanted everything to be over. Emmanuel would make sure everything was done.
I wasn’t ready to be done with Alexander.
I still loved him so much that it made me a little crazy at times and maybe I put up with shit that I shouldn’t have but I was no angel and I took it for what it was.
Emmanuel stared at me as I flitted around the dining room straightening and wiping things down until he finally spoke. “Why are you going back and forth with Alexander?” He asked in a clear voice. I paused my straightening up and turned to face him. He was so damn beautiful. His large frame swallowed me in that dining room making me feel so tiny. I wanted to melt into him and become one entity and never separate.
“I love him,” I shrugged.
“He’s hurting you.”
“I’ve been hurt before.”
“I’ve never hurt you…” His words reached out to me so softly that I can almost feel them brush against my skin. Emmanuel has always had that effect on me. He made me feel things without ever touching me.
“You have.” I told him with my eyes down. “Just not how anyone else has.” At this, he lo
oked puzzled and a bit hurt. I could feel his presence behind me, though I was turned away from him.
“How have I hurt you, Camilla?” He asked in a soft voice. The thing is, I couldn’t find a single way to tell him he’d hurt me other than letting me make my own fucked up decisions and never once telling me to stop. He never told me I couldn’t have Xavier, he nearly told me not to be with his brother but even then he let me go on my way. Emmanuel always let me go, he never once told me to stay.
It was always my choice and most women would love that. They would think it was empowering and freeing but with Emmanuel I didn’t want to be free. He confused me and excited me and scared me all at the same time. He was…too much.
“I can’t explain how you’ve hurt me,” I told him. I could feel Emmanuel wanting to touch me, but refraining.
“Then how can you say that I have? What the hell kind of sense does that make? All I’ve ever done was let you be the free spirit that you are. I don’t go crazy over the guys you choose, even when you chose my brother.” He ran a large palm over his face and grabbed my arm so that I was face to face with him. So close I cold feel a magnetic pull towards him. “Do you think you can be happy with Alexander?”
“As soon as all this extra shit gets sorted out, yes.” I nodded with confidence. “We’ve already talked about this, Emmanuel. As much as I love you I can’t be with you. That’s why I have to make this work with Alexander. We have a kid.” Emmanuel avoided my gaze and I swore something was on the tip of his tongue but he wouldn’t speak. “I need for this to work. I don’t want another relationship like Xavier.” I sniffled and wiped the hurtful emotions from my warm cheeks.
Xavier had hurt me so bad that no matter how much love I had for him I could never be with him. I could fuck him all day long but being in a relationship with him would be stupid. He and I worked best when we were just fucking. That was something I’d learned long ago.
“So Alexander is your answer to that?” Emmanuel almost chuckled at it. “Okay Cami.” He was getting ready to leave the room but something stopped him and he turned back towards me. “You know, the fact still remains that I’ve never even looked at another woman besides you after we got together.” I hated that he was right. Emmanuel was the only man that never cheated even though we’d never officially been together. He never talked to another woman let alone slept with one. He only had eyes for me.
“Yeah, I know,” I sighed.
“So, you know not every man is Xavier or Alexander.”
“I know.” My tone was becoming short now.
“Do you also know that if you marry Alexander that he’s still going to be a psychologist?”
My face crumpled into a confused frown, “Of course he’ll still be a psychologist.”
“That means even if he stops fucking with Anais, he’ll always have other female patients. Always other stories that pull those bleeding heartstrings.” He walked around me in a complete circle and then stopped. “You’re not the first broken woman he’s mended, Cami. You won’t be the last, clearly.” Emmanuel grabbed his keys off the counter and headed for the door.
His words had struck fear inside of me. It wasn’t an instant wide-eyed fear that had me hyperventilating though; it was slow burning. The longer I thought about Alexander’s tendencies, the more Emmanuel’s words resonated with me. I wasn’t the only broken woman he’d put back together.
Alexander did actually come home that night. He smiled when he saw me waiting up for him, but the smile I gave him in return was weak.
“What’s going on, baby?” He kissed my lips and settled in bed beside me, smelling fresh after his shower. “You look like you’re thinking pretty hard about something.”
“I am.” I began slowly, “Alexander, can you tell me about Alex?” Hearing Alex’s name gave him pause. He moved his arm from around my shoulders and parted his lips but nothing came out.
“Alex? Why are you asking about Alex?”
“Because, I’m trying to understand us. I can’t understand us if I don’t know anything about the most important relationship you’ve ever had. You were engaged to her too, right?” I locked onto his coffee eyes and hoped that truth would spill out of him. He was always so tight-lipped when it came to Alex and anything surrounding her suicide. At first I thought it was because it all hurt too much to revisit, but maybe it was a mixture of things.
“Right. You know I don’t like to talk about Alex though.” He set his lips in a line.
“I understand. I’m not trying to make you relive painful memories I was just trying to figure out how you two were.”
“We were great together,” he snapped. His eyes were distant as if memories played on a reel in his mind. “She was so happy and full of life, she tried to get me to be the same way.” A sad smile wobbled on his lips. “Alex and I didn’t really have any problems.”
“Not like we do?” I asked him boldly.
“I wouldn’t say we have problems Camilla.”
“You and Xavier just fought in our living room with kids in the house. You go to Montana every month and stay for days sometimes a week or more and it’s not really work related but you won’t tell me what the hell is going on, and you work all the time leaving me alone most nights.” I looked up at him, swallowing back my emotions. “I’d say we have some problems, Alexander.”
“You decided to leave out the part where you fucked Xavier?” His brows furrowed together as he regarded me coldly.
“Oh, no. I must have forgotten. I fucked Xavier. I fucked the shit out of Xavier.” My words were acid and they burned Alexander until he was grabbing my wrists together and pinning them over my head.
“You fucked the shit out of Xavier?” He growled, leaning over my ear. I twisted my body but couldn’t get out of his grasp.
“Yes.” I whimpered, turning my wrists trying to free them.
“He can’t make you cum like I can though, can he?” He used his other hand to turn my face towards his. Alexander opened my legs so that he was lying between them, his hard dick pressing into me. My heart thumped wildly in my chest at the crazed look in his eyes. I wanted him to fuck me so bad. I’d missed feeling him inside of me, and while Emmanuel wouldn’t be baited into teaching me a lesson, Alexander would.
“Can he?” He spoke through gritted teeth. His hand found my nipple and he squeezed it causing pain and pleasure to blossom all over me. My eyes shut and I moaned out.
“No,” I whispered.
“Because this is mine.” Next his hand was between my thighs where it was hot and wet for him. I loved when his calm collected side broke and his monster came out. “You are mine, Camilla.” I knew he wanted me to say it back, but I refused. He was fucking Anais so I wasn’t only his and he wasn’t only mine anymore.
“No,” I said angrily.
“No?” He dug his dick deeper into my abdomen. I was fucking with him.
“No. You’re fucking someone else and so am I. I’m not yours. You’re not mine.” I bucked against him and he growled before choking me. I liked it though so it wasn’t scary. Getting choked was one of the things that turned me on beyond belief.
Alexander kissed me slow and deep while he cut my air supply and I felt an orgasm building inside of me. He knew it too. The minute he released my throat he pushed my legs back and pulled my clit into his mouth.
A sharp scream pierced the darkness as I squirted all over his face. He drank from it like a fountain, and then went back for more. I thought I was going to pass out from pleasure. Can someone pass out from too much pleasure? I’m sure that’s a thing.
After another delicious orgasm, Alexander made me beg him to fuck me. He teased my pussy with the thick head of his cock until I was starting to tremble again.
“Tell me you’re mine, Camilla.” He instructed. I still refused though. Nothing would make me confess to a lie.
“Alexander please, fuck me,” I begged. After coming so close with Cole I needed to feel a dick inside of me. My moans and word
s drove him to the point where his control splintered and he pushed inside of me until I screamed his name.
His thrusts were rough, hard, and angry like he was fucking me until I believed that he was mine and I was his. Like he was staking claim over me again and daring me to have Xavier or anyone else in our bed. I hooked my legs around his waist and pulled him deeper inside of me. It had been too long since I’d fucked him. I wanted to make it last forever.
I squeezed his dick with my slippery walls and bit my lip, giving him my sexiest look. “I love you, Camilla.” He told me.
“I know.” I’d meant to tell him that I loved him too but it wouldn’t come out. It was stuck in my mind. I’m not sure if Alexander picked up on it or not but if he did, he never let it slow down his pace. In fact, he started crashing into me at a furious rate until I was on the verge of tears. They stung my eyes but never fell.
“I’m getting ready to cum inside of this pussy. It’s my pussy.” He grunted with a thrust. “Mine.” He leaned down to kiss me before releasing inside me. I shut my eyes as we pulsated together, heaving for air.
Chapter Eight
It had been nearly two weeks since I was inside of Camilla and I was horny as shit. Lately she’d been really committed to making things work with Alexander and keeping me at bay but she should know better than anybody, once I’m unleashed I’m not going back in the box.
I knew she was at work because I saw her drop the kids off at daycare. So I strolled around to her office and walked in without knocking. Clearly that was a mistake. She was giggling her ass off, sitting on Cole’s lap. I hated their fake ass brother/sister relationship. I could see through that shit a mile away.
As usual she didn’t even bother to move when I came in she just sat there like he had her pussy on lock or something.
“What’s up Xavier?” Cole nodded in my direction, his hands anchored to Camilla’s hips. I never let anyone in my family sit on my goddamn lap like that.