Whiskey and Regret Page 16
“Your pussy? I was born with it so I’m pretty sure that makes it…” Before I could finish my comeback, he curled his long fingers around the back of my neck and pulled me in for a long, deep kiss.
It was charged and barbed with lightning.
“I said it’s mine. Understand?” His fingers slid down to my neck. His thumb pressed against my pulse point. “While we’re fucking, you don’t fuck anyone else. This pussy is mine to suck, fuck, and tease. All of your holes belong to me until further notice, Miss Lucas.” He pressed his thumb against my pulse harder. I swallowed reflexively but still didn’t answer him. “You keep fighting me.” He clicked his tongue slowly in a disapproving way that made me want to agree with whatever he said. The other part of me wanted to see what my punishment would be.
“You like it,” I said, shocked by the soft sound of my voice.
“Only when it comes to you.”
Without another word, Evander dropped to one knee in a single swift motion. He lifted my leg onto his shoulder and his head disappeared beneath my dress. “What are you doing?” A small laugh left my lips.
“I was going to have a cup of coffee but I think I’ll taste your pussy first.” He kissed the wetness glazing my thighs. His neat, trimmed facial hair brushed against my skin, making me squirm. His tongue slid along my lips achingly slow before he opened me up.
He was gentle when he sucked my clit into his mouth. It sent goosebumps skittering across my skin. I needed more. I was greedy and hungry when it came to him. I rolled my hips and he growled, pressing his teeth against my bundle of nerves.
A high-pitched squeak cracked through the air. My body jerked and I gripped his head. “You stand still and let me drive this boat. Got it, Miss Lucas?”
“Yes, Evander.”
“Good girl.” He went back to slowly suckling my clit and I tried not to pass out from restraining myself. His languid tongue strokes picked up the pace and his lips worked like magic gripping and sucking on me until I was at the precipice of a monumental orgasm.
Then he pulled away.
He came from under my dress with a wet face. My pussy covered his lips and chin and even a glistening spot on the tip of his nose. It was the sexiest shit I’d ever seen in my life. I wanted to kiss my flavor from his lips but I also wanted to punch him in his fucking jaw for not letting me grasp the orgasm I was so close to.
“You did that on purpose!” I shoved him and he flashed me a Cheshire cat grin. I hated how handsome he was. That angled jaw and dark facial hair with those lips. Ugh.
My pussy wanted to throw a fucking tantrum.
“I did.” He licked his lips way more enthusiastically than he had to. “Let me know when you’re ready to hand that pussy over to me.” He went to the counter and started making a cup of coffee while I stood on wobbly legs ready to pull my hair into a bun, take off my earrings and fight him.
“You’re an asshole, Evander.”
I glared at his strong back and watched his muscles flex beneath expensive fabric. I wanted to feel his mouth on me again. I wanted to feel his cock inside of me.
I clenched my teeth and flared my nostrils. He knew I’d want more, and he was right. I was gluttonous when it came to pleasure.
“Fine,” I gritted out.
“I’m sorry, Miss Lucas. I don’t understand. Care to clarify?” He threw on his buttoned-up senator voice to inch a little further under my skin.
“You know what I’m trying to say, Evander. Don’t be a dick.”
“Ah, yeah…sorry.” He glanced at his watch then stirred cream into his coffee. Just enough to turn it a deep mahogany color. He took a sip then walked over to me, mug still in hand. He pushed his hand between my legs dipped inside of me for a brief moment, electrifying me, then pulling away. He dipped his wet finger into the coffee mug and stirred it before cleaning his finger. “Needed more cream” He winked.
Pretty sure I died on the kitchen floor and was currently a spirit floating in the mist.
He picked up his briefcase from a chair at the island and said, “I’m gonna be late if I don’t head out now. You have a good day. I’ll see you when I get home.” His long legs carried him out of the kitchen while I stood there, fixed to my spot by stubbornness.
When I heard him unlock the front door, I nearly lost it. Was he seriously going to walk out of the house without yielding to me? Without fucking me like we both wanted?
He was a goddamn mule.
My unsteady legs carried me out of the kitchen and down the hall until I nearly crashed into Evander in the foyer. His towering frame was leaning against the front door. His long legs crossed at the ankles.
He knew I’d come running.
He fucking knew.
You’re not as hard to read as you think…
His words from last night burned my ears.
“I can’t stand you. You’re so fucking arrogant. You think I’m supposed to do whatever you say because you have amazing dick…and tongue? You think I’ll be your little live-in slut and do whatever you want?” I shoved him and he sighed heavily, putting his hands in his pockets. “Oh, am I boring you, Evander? Don’t you have to go to work?” He stared at me, indifferent. “You are a fucking piece of work!” I tossed my hand in the air for emphasis.
Silence coated us, and the air around us. There wasn’t a thing not touched by the blaring quiet. In my mind, I hurled every curse word and insult at him but I knew I wouldn’t let him walk out of the house without letting him claim me.
I reached out and grabbed his wrist, latching on.
“It’s your pussy, Evander.” Something hot sizzled through my core. A crooked smile lifted one side of his mouth. He was on me in the next second. He’d turned into the wolf.
The wall trembled when he backed me against the front door. “I thought I was going to have to withhold dick from you.”
I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I know when to obey.”
“That’s good. Obedience looks good on you but so does disobedience.” He pulled back enough to wink at me before unbuttoning his suit jacket and freeing his big dick. I let out a low hum at the sight of it. Strong, thick, and, veiny.
When he lifted me off the floor, my legs wrapped around him, and he positioned me so that he could slip inside. Once our bodies lined up, he bounced me on his cock with no struggle.
The slippery friction had me drowning in erotic moans. “Oh, Evander. Fuck me!”
“I’ll fuck you like this every night as long as you behave. Now, tell me how much you want this,” he demanded.
“I want it so bad, baby.” I whimpered while he buried himself deep inside. He controlled the pace, sliding my body up and down his shaft while I drank in the fullness and tingling sensations he dealt out.
“Mmm, there’s my good girl. I want it too, Xari. Your pussy is amazing. Always so wet and hot.” We crashed into a hungry kiss. It wasn’t pretty and gentle. It was a war of wills. Mine against his. Alpha male against alpha female.
I wasn’t a damsel in distress. I wasn’t a meek, mild virgin. I knew what I wanted. I had teeth and I bit back. Evander loved every second of it.
“Tell me who this fucking pussy belongs to, Miss Lucas.”
God, it drove me insane when he called me that.
“You! It’s yours!” My words dribbled out into a submissive puddle. Everything that poured out of me was wet. Evander turned me to liquid. “Fuck, I’m about to come!”
“I know. Give it to me, Xari. Flood my cock.” We thumped against the front door again, my head rolling along the glass panes letting light filter through. Evander dropped his head and nipped at my hard nipples through my dress leaving behind wet marks. I groaned at his teeth against my sensitive peaks.
I felt his phone vibrate in his suit jacket and I lifted his head to meet his eyes. I forgot he had to work. “Shit, are you late?” I quizzed.
“It’s Apollo and my driver. I’m five minutes late. I’m goin
g to make you come first though. Nobody is stopping me from being inside of you, Xari.” He peppered my neck with kisses and heat flooded my chest, spiraling outward to my fingertips.
“Now, break for me, sweetheart.” He picked up the pace, fucking me faster and harder while I squeaked like a well-worn mattress. I gave him my climax willingly. He earned it. It was a swift orgasm taking me over in seconds.
My eyes fell shut and I sought out his lips without sight. He leaned closer, giving me what I wanted and I owned his mouth searching and probing with my tongue. I loved the way his groans tasted. When he dug deep, grinding into me, I got the sexiest ones.
“Shit,” he cursed, his body stiffening and his movements turning jerky. “Fuck, Xari…” He thrust into me a few more times before he shot his load. I knew he didn’t mean to but I was on birth control for a reason. Plus, when Evander fucked me like that…I didn’t care if he came inside. I wanted him to. It heightened the feeling.
Was it stupid?
Was it the stupidest thing I’d ever done?
Not even close.
When he pulled out, he looked at me with apologetic eyes. “It’s fine,” I smiled, lowering to my knees. I was dying to taste us together on his dick. Before he could protest, I took his still throbbing cock in my mouth and listened to him hiss and curse while I finished milking the last few drops of cum from him.
He stared down at me like I was a demon. He needed to know he wasn’t the only addictive one. I knew what skills I possessed and I was using them expertly on him.
“You’re such a nasty little slut.” I nodded with big eyes, peering up at him. When I popped off his cock I smiled and stood to my feet.
“Only for you.” Something warm strummed in my chest like a sweet song on Sunshine’s strings. I loved dirty talk and being controlled in bed but something about being that way with Evander set me on fire.
“Only for me.” He kissed me slowly, pulling me against his hard body, feeding me his tongue while his fingers spread my pussy and slipped inside. I whimpered but he kept me pressed against him. “I’ll try to get home earlier tonight so I can see you before Frankie gets home.” He pulled his fingers away then licked them clean. “We taste good together.” He pressed one more peck on my lips then he answered his vibrating phone while he tucked his cock away and turned back into Senator Freeman.
“Apollo, I know. Yes. I’m on my way out now. I got caught up…” His whiskey brown eyes sliced the dress from my body and burned me from the inside out. “Right. On my way out in two minutes.” He ended the call and looked at me. “Your sister is outside.”
“Oh…shit. I forgot she was coming over.” I smoothed my hair, like that would take away the fact that I looked well-fucked. Evander flashed me a devilish grin then wrapped his arm around my waist. “Evander, what are you doing?” I laughed, pressing my hands against his stone shoulders. His warm mouth found my neck, pulling more giggles from me.
He bit and sucked on the side of my neck until I knew he’d leave a bruise. “Oh my god, did you do that on purpose? You are such an asshole!” I couldn’t help my laughter but I still wanted to punch him in the face.
“What? Have fun trying to explain that to Navy. You know she notices everything.” He knew I couldn’t tell her about us. He knew it.
I wondered how many people knew what an asshole their beloved Senator Freeman was.
He opened the front doors and let the sunlight pour inside. When I glanced at the driveway, I saw Navy smiling and giggling at Apollo who was leaning against Evander’s chauffeured car. I’d never seen him at ease like that before.
“I’ll see you later, Xari,” Evander nodded at me like he didn’t fuck the soul out of me a few minutes ago. I wiggled my fingers at him and tried not to stare too hard. He was so fine though.
How the fuck was I supposed to keep our tryst to myself?
“Hey, Xari.” Navy greeted me with a hug then she looked me over. I didn’t have time to freshen up or hide that goddamn hickey Evander gave me. I knew I still looked like I’d just climbed off of a dick.
“Hey, Navy.” I moved into the kitchen quickly and grabbed a bottle of water. “Give me a second. I gotta go to the bathroom.” I didn’t give her a chance to say anything else. I dashed toward the steps like I couldn’t use the lower level bathroom. I needed my bathroom though.
I washed up in the sink and looked at my neck in the mirror. The hickey wasn’t huge but it was an exclamation point against my honey skin. I sighed heavily and pressed the cold water bottle to my neck. It did little to nothing. I even tried to get my fluffy curls to cover it but my hair wouldn’t stay put. After a few minutes, I gave up and went to find a pair of panties and a bra to put on.
When I returned to the kitchen, Navy looked up from her phone and let her brown eyes flit over me like she was reading through my browser history. “I can’t stay for long because I have to re-work Senator Freeman’s schedule for this coming week. A few new meetings popped up and I have to move some appointments around.”
“Oh…is he going to be busy this week?” I asked, tugging on a springy lock of curls.
“Yeah. Lots of late nights.” My stomach clenched. Would I be able to see him in the evenings like I’d grown accustomed to doing? I’d miss eating dinner with him and Frankie. I bit my bottom lip and tried to figure out dinner ideas that traveled well. Maybe Frankie and I could take him dinner on the nights he worked late.
“You okay, Xari?” Navy waved her hand in front of my face and I blinked away the haze.
“Yeah. I’m good. Did you bring weed?”
“Oh my god, girl. No. Let’s look through your DM’s and see if Damon reached out to you yet. Everyone has been tagging you like crazy.”
“I know.” I checked my phone and in just that little bit of time I’d been away from it, my notifications piled sky-high again.
“Xari, are you okay? You look different.” She narrowed her eyes and I tried to turn away from her so she couldn’t see the burgundy bruise on my neck.
“Cuter?” I smiled.
“No. You do look…relaxed though.” Navy lifted her eyebrow and walked around me in a circle.
“Stop doing that,” I fussed, bunching my brows together. “We’re supposed to be combing through these DM’s.”
“Uh-huh…what have you been doing?”
“Liar. Let me rephrase it. Who have you been doing? I’ve seen you come home after fucking god knows who enough to know when you’ve been throwing your vagina around.”
“Oh my god. You make me sound like such a ho. Throwing my vagina around?” I laughed a little and shook my head while I looked through my messages on Instagram.
“Does Senator Freeman know you have men coming in his house?”
“I don’t have men coming into his house. I’d never bring men in and out of here knowing Frankie could see.”
Navy regarded me for a moment then said, “You’re serious, aren’t you?”
“Yeah. I adore that little girl. I don’t want her to see random men coming and going. She looks up to me. If she saw that she might think it was okay to…” My words trailed off and I realized in that space of silence that I wanted Frankie to be better than me.
I was fine with casual sex and hookups when I needed to fuck away my stress but I didn’t want her to do the same thing. I wanted her to be selective.
“Be like you?” Navy asked, knowingly. I shrugged my shoulders and nodded. “There’s nothing wrong with being sexually liberated, Xari but you gotta examine the root of it. If you’re like that because you’re trying to fill a void, then there’s a problem.”
“I’m not trying to fill a void.”
“But you are fucking someone, aren’t you? I heard how nervous and jittery you were on the phone before I came over. Now you’re relaxed and glowing.” She laughed a little then honed in on my hickey.
/> “And if you haven’t had any men running through here then you must be fucking Senator Freeman because he’s the only other man…in…here. Xari!” She slapped my shoulder repeatedly while she screamed at me at a rate much faster than I could decipher.
Goddammit, Navy. Always figuring shit out when nobody asked you!
“Stop hitting me or I’m calling Mom!” I shouted over her incessant nagging. I pushed her away from me but it didn’t stop her evil glare. “What is your problem, Navy? You act like you cracked a code to something.”
“I did. You’re fucking Senator Freeman. Aren’t there enough men out there willing to give you what you want without you having to go after your boss? Our boss. I recommended you for this nanny position and you’re screwing the boss?”
“I never said I was fucking Freeman.” After the way he made me come, calling him Freeman felt too stiff. I wanted to call him Daddy. “You assumed. Like I’d be willing to put my job on the line.” I tried to sound convincing. Hopefully, she couldn’t tell I was full of shit.
“You have a hickey on your neck. Senator Freeman was ten minutes late getting out of the house, which is not normal for him. When he walked out, you were right there beside him, grinning like you’d just been fucked. You’re relaxed and happy. You have a hickey on your neck, and you rushed to the bathroom as soon as I got in here.
You’re fucking him and I have no idea how you even worked your way into that one because Senator Freeman is not an easy nut to crack.” For the first time since my sister started ranting at me, I heard something that piqued my interest.
“Wait…how do you know he’s not an easy nut to crack?” I snickered inwardly at the term nut to crack…because naturally, I have the humor of a middle school kid. “Have you tried to crack him, Navy?” I lifted my eyebrow and tried to control the anger flickering inside. Was I prepared to be jealous of my sister over a man I’d just started fucking?
See? Evander hit the crazy button when he fucked me. Or maybe it was when he sucked my clit into his mouth. Or when he choked me until I couldn’t breathe.
“What? Have I tried to get with my boss? No. Absolutely not. You know that’s not me. I do have access to his work and personal schedule though and he’s never scheduled a date or time with a woman besides when he has to go to court with Alexis,” she said. “Xari do you know how many women throw themselves at him? He’s had expensive gifts sent to him from celebrities and been asked out so many times I can’t count. The point is…he never entertains any of that. He doesn’t date. He doesn’t let the attention go to his head. He’s focused on his work as a senator.” I knew that was a lie. Well, at least the part about him being focused on his job as a senator. Evander’s focus was on writing. He went along with being a senator.