LUCY Page 11
“She did. Then when I got off work today she was waiting at my car. She wanted to talk, so I heard her out.”
“Abel,” Nora groaned. “Come on now. Lauren’s rubbing me the wrong way at this point. Not to say that you and Luce are in the clear because…you’re not.” I could tell by the tone of her voice she knew something was going on with me and Lucy. “I think Lauren is…she’s…” Nora fought to find her words.
“I know she’s not a perfect fit for me but who’s a perfect fit for anyone these days?”
“You’re grasping at straws.”
“Maybe. I am,” I shrugged, pulling into my driveway.
“You are. There’s no maybe. Be careful, Abel. You know how it goes when Luce doesn’t like someone.”
“I know…my little hell raiser.”
“Yeah, she’s gonna raise hell alright. You better talk to her if you’re planning to really move forward with Lauren. I’ll support your decision but I don’t like it. It ruffles my feathers.”
“I hear you, sis. I’ll be careful,” I assured her.
“Okay. Love you, Abel.”
“I love you too.”
“Call Lucy, please.”
“I will.” I hung up and went into the house. I was beat. I trudged up the steps and came out of my work clothes then I sat on the bed and called Lucy. I heard a faint ringing in the guest room and I followed the sound until I was standing face to face with a pair of copper eyes.
“What. The. Fuck.” I hung up and folded my arms.
“You wouldn’t answer me,” she shrugged and then hugged me.
“So you break into my house? Fucking nut job.” I sat on the bed and she sat beside me but I could tell she wanted to sit on my lap. I wanted her there.
“Whatever. How was your date with Lauren?”
“It wasn’t a date. Wait…” I looked at her and scowled. Maybe she was stalking me. “Lucy, how did you know I was with Lauren?” She held out a second phone. Nora’s phone. I may have been able to pick the girls apart when I was looking at them but they also sounded identical and that was impossible to tell apart.
I’d been talking to Lucy the entire time I drove home, thinking it was Nora.
“Why do you have Nora’s phone?” I snatched it from her and looked it over to make sure it really was our sister’s phone.
It was.
“Don’t worry about it. She knows I have it.”
“Well, you already know I’m making it work with Lauren then.”
“It’s stupid, but okay. Like I said, I’ll support you but don’t ever think for a minute that I’ll like her or respect her. She’s a fucking bird, Abel. She doesn’t love you. She loves what you represent.
She looks like she can spot a good man from a mile away. Mark my words; she’s going to attach herself to you. She knows you’re going places and she wants to go too. If she can’t ride your coattails then she’s stuck being a fucking secretary.”
“Lucy, if not her, then who?” I asked.
“I don’t know. Just not her. You’re so handsome and brilliant, Abel. Any girl in the world, besides Lauren, would be lucky to have you.” She touched my face then pulled her hand away quickly. It was still dangerous for us to touch or be alone.
“Maybe I’m comfortable with her.”
“Maybe she’s trash.”
“I’m sorry. Comfort zones are pretty but nothing ever grows inside them. That wasn’t a euphemism for Lauren being pretty by the way. She looks like a fucking cockatoo.” I shut my eyes and massaged the bridge of my nose.
“Lucy…stop. You have to be in my corner if this is going to work.”
“Okay, okay. Keep her away from me though.”
“So, don’t invite you over?” I smirked.
“Oh…invite me over. I won’t come but invite me anyway. I want the opportunity to turn you down.” She stood up and walked out of the room like the conversation had long since ended.
“Where are you going? You wanna hang around and watch some movies?” I grabbed her hand and she looked down with sad eyes and a smile. She dropped my grip and shook her head.
“You know I can’t, Abel. We’d end up making love. I’d end up spilling my soul to you and we’d start the cycle all over again.”
“You’re right,” I cleared my throat and nodded.
“Besides, I promised a friend I’d hang out with him tonight.” Him? Did she say…him?
“Who’s this friend?” I quizzed, my hackles rising.
“A guy from work. The one that saved me.” Her face lit up when she talked about him and I felt it like a gut punch. She was happy. Maybe that’s what she meant when she said I wasn’t happy and if I were then she’d never interfere.
The look in her eyes told me she was happy.
“He’s just a friend?” I asked, clarifying.
“Yeah, absolutely. He doesn’t even look at me like that. He’s…different.” She shrugged with a smile that threatened to split her cute face in two.
“Is he gay?” I asked her.
“No, Abel.”
“Then how do you know he only wants to be your friend?”
“Because I know. He’s not thinking about having a girlfriend and I’m not thinking about a man right now so stop prodding.”
“He makes you happy though?” I leaned against the wall and studied her face for truth even though I didn’t need to. The answer was clear as a bell and it was written all over her. This guy made her happy.
“Yeah. Hanging out with him is fun and I promised him I wouldn’t drink all week and he promised me we could hang out. He doesn’t have any friends and he barely speaks at work but when we hang out…he comes alive.” The dreamy tone of her voice was bittersweet.
“Wait…did you say you’re not drinking for an entire week?” I laughed in disbelief.
“That’s what I said,” Lucy grumbled.
“Okay, well it’s settled, invite him over for dinner. I want to meet him.”
“Abel, why? He’s just a friend.”
“I can’t remember the last time you had a friend. Plus if he saved you from that prick at your job I want to thank him. What’s his name?”
“Hush,” she said blushing slightly.
“Hush? Are you telling me to shut up or is that the dude’s name?”
“It’s his nickname. That’s what everyone calls him.”
“What’s his real name? I’m not calling him Hush.”
“He’ll have to tell you. I can’t. He doesn’t tell many people his real name. Oh and trust me, when you see him, you’ll call him whatever he tells you to. He shoots over your head by a good four inches…and you’re tall, Abel.” I was six-four easily so this guy had to be six-eight. Shit. Maybe playing the bully big brother role wouldn’t go over well if she was friends with a goddamn mountain.
“Invite him over, Hell Raiser. I’d like to thank him.”
“Okay, I’ll see what he says.” Before she left, Lucy turned to me and hopped into my arms. “I love you so much,” she said in my ear.
“I love you too, Luce.”
“Still hate Carmen the bird though.”
“Bye, Hell Raiser.” I shoved her out and closed the door. I watched to see where she parked and saw her walk around the corner and out of my line of sight. Sneaky ass.
Eric came in with balloons, and a gorgeous necklace that I didn’t want to know the price tag of. I was touched. “I know things have been tense around here since your sister moved in but I wanted to show you I still love you.” He pressed a kiss to my forehead and clasped the necklace around my neck.
“Thank you, Eric. This is so sweet.” I spun around and kissed him.
“I was thinking maybe we could all hang out tonight before bed and before Lucy goes to work.” This couldn’t be my man. He wanted to hang out with my sister and me?
“You sure?” I asked, running my fingers al
ong the necklace.
“Yes. If Lucy is going to live here then we need to squash this tension. I’m willing to be the bigger person.” Eric had been avoiding Lucy like the plague lately, which made it hard for her to get close to him at all. I was beginning to think it was a good thing. Maybe he didn’t want to fuck my sister.
“Okay, sure. Hopefully, she’ll agree.”
“I don’t see why she wouldn’t want to. What else does she have to do?” I rolled my eyes at his arrogance and started dinner. “I was hoping that before Lucy comes in we could maybe…” He nibbled on my neck while I took food out of the fridge.
“Hey guys,” Lucy chirped. Eric groaned and dropped his arms from my waist.
“What’s up, Lucy?” Eric muttered. “Do you have anything to do before work today?” Eric asked.
“Nope. Why? You wanna have girl time with me?” She grinned.
“See? I’m trying to be nice.”
“Aww, I’m sorry, girl. Are you on your period right now? I have some pads upstairs. Nora, why don’t you let her borrow some of yours?”
“Lucy,” I warned with laughter dancing behind my faux stern tone.
“What? I’m trying to help out.”
“I was going to invite you to hang out with us.” Eric slammed his hand down on the counter a little harder than necessary.
“Jeez, calm down. Yes, I’d like to hang out with you guys this evening. Thank you for inviting me…Erica.” Lucy grabbed a piece of fruit and walked out of the kitchen while I tried to swallow my laughter.
“You see what happens when I try to be nice to that girl?”
“She’s fucking with you. Ignore her.”
“She’s a bitch.” Eric glared at the doorway like Lucy would reappear.
“Watch your mouth about my sister, Eric. I already told you…” I aimed a finger at him and he held his hands up in surrender. When he left the kitchen, I got a text from Lucy. She was upstairs in the guest room.
Luce: Erica’s coming up. I’m gonna fuck with him.
Me: What are you going to do?
Luce: Let him catch me half naked. Wanna watch?
Luce: Come to the stairs.
I was torn. I wanted to see what he’d do but then again I didn’t. What if he did or said something that I’d have to hurt him for? My stomach lurched and I made a split decision right then to go to the stairs and watch.
I saw Lucy walk into the hall, topless, her pert tits bouncing, and her nipples stiff. I was always so jealous of her nipple rings but I never had the heart to get them.
“Shit,” Eric cursed when he saw her. He didn’t turn his head though and his voice dripped with admiration and not regret. Lucy laughed and used her forearm to cover herself. “Pierced?” He smirked.
“Pierced. Everywhere.” She bit her bottom lip and Eric took a sweeping glance around. I pressed myself flat against the wall.
“You’re trouble, Lucy.”
“I know, Erica.” She giggled and went into the bathroom. I heard the shower start shortly after and I let out a pent-up breath. So he didn’t do anything but his tone said a lot. His tone painted him as curious. I took off the necklace Eric bought me and slipped it into my pocket. I didn’t want to wear anything he gave me right then.
When Lucy got out of the shower, she came downstairs in a low-cut crop top and a skirt. She was dressed for work. “See?” She waggled her brows at me and handed me garlic powder so I could season the meat I was cooking.
“He was definitely being a pervert.”
“Nora, he was gawking openly at my tits.”
“I know. I saw,” I huffed. It wasn’t easy for me to come to grips with Eric being a total douche.
“I’m just saying. Pay attention to what’s in front of you.” She leaned over and kissed my cheek.
“How are you and Abel?” I asked, changing the subject.
“We’re okay. He’s still fucking around with Carmen the bird. I don’t like it but if he insists then I guess I’ll play nice for a little while. The minute she breaks his heart though, I’m going to kill her.” I never knew if Lucy was playing or being serious. Mainly because I felt like murder wasn’t outside her realm of possibilities.
Especially when it came to Abel and me.
“Don’t kill anyone. We have the same DNA, I’ll be a suspect too.”
“I’ll make room in the cell for you,” she laughed and stuck her tongue out, leaving me shaking my head. She was a fucking mess, but I loved her.
At the dinner table, Eric kept stealing glances at Lucy when he didn’t think I saw. I saw every glance though. I pretended not to and it left him wide open to be bold. Every glance and lingering look left a sour taste in my mouth. I couldn’t even finish my food.
“You okay, babe?” Eric asked, noticing all of my dinner was still on the plate.
“Not in the mood to eat right now,” I told him, clearing my dishes from the table. I took them in the kitchen and Lucy followed me.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” She asked, grabbing my hand.
“I see the way Eric is looking at you. He’s about to slap his dick on the table in a minute.”
“Oh my God,” she snorted, slapping her hand over her mouth. I cracked a little smile too. It was rare that someone else made Lucy laugh. She was always the funny one.
“He is. Tell me you don’t see it.”
“I see it. If you want me to abort the mission, I will. Say the word. Fucking him isn’t high on my list of priorities anyway.”
“It’s not high on mine anymore either.” I folded my arms. “I want you to do it though.”
“Are you sure, Nora?” Lucy looked into my eyes with a concerned pout.
“Oh, I’m fucking sure. I want to walk in and catch you two in the act so the reason why I’m leaving his ass in indisputable. I don’t want any gray areas.” I could feel the petty side of me waking up and rearing its head. “There are gray areas now.”
“There are,” Lucy agreed. “Okay then…full steam ahead, I guess.” A part of me still prayed that he wouldn’t fully take the bait.
“I’m not feeling well,” Nora said, rubbing her temples. “Luce, do you mind cleaning up the dining room for me? I’m gonna go lie down. I know we were supposed to hang out tonight but you two can go ahead. I want to go to sleep.” She was setting the stage for me. Wonderful.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” Eric asked like he gave a shit. He only cared about himself.
“I have an awful migraine. I want to lie down in a quiet, black room. You two…get to know each other more. Hang out.” She waved her hand at us and stood. I gave her a hug and kissed her soft lips.
“You need anything, Sissy?”
“No, but please be nice, Lucy. Very nice.” She stressed her words and I nodded with a sure smile.
“Wouldn’t dream of being mean to Erica. We’re practically BFF’s now. Right,?” He grumbled something before taking dishes into the kitchen. “You leave him to me,” I said in a quiet voice.
“Okay. You still have my phone?” She asked me. I patted my back pocket and nodded. “Set it up high somewhere and put it on Facetime. I’ll be watching on mute from the computer upstairs.” She was so smart. I loved that about my twin. I slapped her ass and sent her upstairs before joining Eric in the kitchen.
“So, what are we doing tonight?” I asked him.
“I don’t know. I’m kinda thrown off since Nora isn’t feeling well.”
“Yeah, I know. It sucks. Well, if you don’t wanna hang out with me, I understand,” I shrugged.
“Nah, I’m sure we can find something to do together, Lucy.” The cocky look on his face was unmistakable. I grinned big and bright. Not because he was sexy but because I knew I’d hook him. I put leftover food into containers and Eric put the dishes into the dishwasher.
When I bent over to put the food in the fridge, I felt Eric standing behind me. “Maybe Nora having a twin isn’t that
bad,” he mused.
“Is that right?” I stood up and fluffed my long waves over to one shoulder.
“Yeah. Plus, I can tell you how gorgeous you are without it being weird. Right?” I pushed past him and he grabbed my hips, pulling me close. I could smell his cologne and it smelled expensive. It wasn’t like Chase’s scent.
His scent was soft but unmistakable. He smelled fresh and warm and…why the hell was I thinking about Chase? I shook him from my thoughts because I was on a mission.
“You’re gorgeous, Lucy. I don’t want to fight with you anymore.”
“Thank you, Eric.” I had to bite my tongue so an insult didn’t slip out.
“Let’s go to the den.” He pulled my hand but I took it back and told him to go ahead. I wanted to grab a soda. I really grabbed Nora’s phone. I looked into the screen and rolled my eyes. She laughed and I slipped the phone in my pocket. When I got into the den, Eric was on the phone so I pretended to look at pictures on the mantle. I set Nora’s phone up then tossed him a soda. I made sure to sit on the love seat while he sat on the couch. He stretched his long legs out and looked at me instead of the TV. “Why are you all the way over there?” He asked. Typical trash question.
“I don’t know. I’m just sitting down. Where should I sit, Eric?” I asked him. He patted the empty spot beside him and I moved closer.
“Better. You know what’s even better?” He asked, wetting his lips with his tongue.
“What’s that?” He was smooth, he didn’t say anything, he pulled me on his lap and I laughed, looking down at him. “So, there’s this girl named Nora. I think you’re kind of engaged to her and I’m kind of her sister.” I tilted my head to the side and he tugged on my hair.
“You’re a carbon copy of her, right? So technically it’s not cheating.” He rested his lips on my chest and my skin crawled. I thought it would be easier to fuck Eric but it didn’t matter how sexy he was. He was supposed to be in love with Nora.
“Eric, she’s right upstairs.”
“She’s sleeping.” He slid his hands around to my ass and pulled me against his body so I felt his erection. The fact that he was so hard was gross.
“So we’re supposed to fuck right here on her couch while she’s not feeling well upstairs?” The more the situation unfurled, the angrier I got. He was absolute garbage and Nora deserved better. I glanced at the mantle and hoped she could see the look in my eyes.